Test/Tren/Dbol - 3j's nutrition carb cycle log (Pics/Measurements)

Day 11

183.4lbs = +3.4 difference

Measurement differences since 1 week before start of cycle

Neck +.25
Chest +1.5
Stomach -1
Waist +1
Biceps +1
Thighs -.5
Calves +.25
Forearm +.25

So I have been steady and strong on 3J's diet. No sugar whatsoever. I missed a couple meals though this week.

Workouts have been great. Been using about 3-5 grams taurine everyday for these pumps. Helps for sure cause I forgot to take it last night and my shoulders were on fire!

My cardio has been shit. Pumps are so intense my calves and shins are on fire just walking on the treadmill. Got one HIT cardio session in on the stationary bike and then another 30 minutes low intensity this past week. Need to do more.

Got some new 1cc syringes. The plunger tips are cone shaped. Went for the first pin using the new syringe in my left pec and went too fast or got some air in. Check out the nasty bruise!

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Day 18

Sorry for the late post. This pic and measurements were taken on Day 18 first thing in the morning. Things are going good! Sides really kicked in this week but nothing I can't handle. The most annoying for me is the feverish feeling that makes me sweat always, shortness of breath, and loud/strong heartbeat when I'm trying to get to sleep. Might be a little stress as I'm lying there thinking about the day. BP is normal/high btw.

Cardio is still struggling but I did get about an hour of cardio in this week. I ended up missing some meals too which probably cost me a pound or two.

3J's diet plan is definitely working for me. We communicate at least once a week and he is still johnny on the spot when I have a question.

Difference since start of cycle as of Day 18:

Neck +.5"
Chest +1.5"
Stomach -1.5"
Waist +1"
Biceps +1"
Thighs -.5"
Calves +.75"
Forearm +.25"

Weight +4lbs

Just a recap of my cycle:

50mg dbol ed before workout
60mg Tren Ace eod in the morning (btw this is crystal find that I converted)
40mg Test Prop eod in the morning
25 mg exemestane on mondays/thursdays

I'll probably extend the tren to 6 weeks instead of the 4 that I originally planned and then extend the test at a higher dose 2 weeks past that.

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Day 25

Difference since Before cycle:

Neck +.75
Chest +1.5
Stomach -2
Waist 0
Biceps +1
Thighs 0
Calves +.75
Forearm +.25

Weight +3.8lbs

I slipped on the diet a couple of days this past week.

Still plugging away at this and getting plenty of time in the gym lifting. Only got in an hour of cardio this week.

Strength and energy are up as well.

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I'm amazed you are taking this much gear and your measurements are so small. I would personally have eaten more food first before taking that amount of tren and dbol etc.... On that much gear I have 19inch arms and weigh 100pounds more than you. Just seems like you could easily gain from just simply eating more..... is the gear helping or is the extra food 3J asked you to eat helping more?
I'm amazed you are taking this much gear and your measurements are so small. I would personally have eaten more food first before taking that amount of tren and dbol etc.... On that much gear I have 19inch arms and weigh 100pounds more than you. Just seems like you could easily gain from just simply eating more..... is the gear helping or is the extra food 3J asked you to eat helping more?

Well the goal isn't to get bigger on this cycle. Trying to re-comp. Yeah gear is helping and so is the diet 3j has me on. I'd drop the dbol next time though.
I'm amazed you are taking this much gear and your measurements are so small. I would personally have eaten more food first before taking that amount of tren and dbol etc.... On that much gear I have 19inch arms and weigh 100pounds more than you. Just seems like you could easily gain from just simply eating more..... is the gear helping or is the extra food 3J asked you to eat helping more?

Bro, im taking baby doses compared to most guys. Except maybe my dbol dose
i also agree with wannabefreak, you're no where near ready to be taking steroids, you look soft, no muscle fullness, small measurements, high body fat, its a disaster, And bro im not trying to put you down by any means, i love seeing people progress and reach their goals but you should of cut some of that fat and put on muscle natural then when you run a cycle your results will be that much better.
i also agree with wannabefreak, you're no where near ready to be taking steroids, you look soft, no muscle fullness, small measurements, high body fat, its a disaster, And bro im not trying to put you down by any means, i love seeing people progress and reach their goals but you should of cut some of that fat and put on muscle natural then when you run a cycle your results will be that much better.
You do realize 3j is coaching the op with diet and cycle so I'm pretty sure he knows his shit. Not putting what you said down its just that if 3j is getting paid for his knowledge I'm sure he wouldn't have advised gear if he didn't think his client could handle it. Just my .02
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Coming from the 20year old using juice...... Lets not clog this guys log up with putting him down.


a persons choice to use gear is theirs... i facilitate the diet that goes with the gear... he is making great progress some of which he wont see till after the cycle due to bloat... which is common out there... so guys i understand what your saying but clogging up the thread with negative comments isn't getting us anywhere.. he is doing something most people dont.. he's making sure he's on a correct and optimal diet while cycling.. thankfully this cycle will not go to waste
What does 3j have to do with anything? He could of just get the diet plan and not take steroids for another year, then his results would be that much better, i feel if you have no base from the get go you'll lose almost all the gains from your cycle, no matter how good your pct, diet training is.
Judging by his pic he looks like average guy walking down the street, steroids are for those who are serious about bodybuilding, I also understand its his choice and its none of my business but just trying to help the dude out.
You do realize 3j is coaching the op with diet and cycle so I'm pretty sure he knows his shit. Not putting what you said down its just that if 3j is getting paid for his knowledge I'm sure he wouldn't have advised gear if he didn't think his client could handle it. Just my .02

What does 3j have to do with anything? He could of just get the diet plan and not take steroids for another year, then his results would be that much better, i feel if you have no base from the get go you'll lose almost all the gains from your cycle, no matter how good your pct, diet training is.
Judging by his pic he looks like average guy walking down the street, steroids are for those who are serious about bodybuilding, I also understand its his choice and its none of my business but just trying to help the dude out.
So just because he isn't at his genetic potential he will lose his gains with proper diet and training after the cycle? U should quiet down now you don't know what your talking about.
What does 3j have to do with anything? He could of just get the diet plan and not take steroids for another year, then his results would be that much better, i feel if you have no base from the get go you'll lose almost all the gains from your cycle, no matter how good your pct, diet training is.
Judging by his pic he looks like average guy walking down the street, steroids are for those who are serious about bodybuilding, I also understand its his choice and its none of my business but just trying to help the dude out.
not everyone is blessed with bodybuilder genetics. guys seriously stfu with how much gear this guy needs. He's already lower then what the average suggested amount is.

keep up the solid work dude your doing great
Thanks for all of the positive reinforcement! I definitely needed it today :)

There is no doubt that I'm getting the desired results that I asked 3J to help with. My wife and a few guys at the gym have noticed as well.

I couldn't do this without 3J's plan. So worth it!!