Test/Tren/Dbol - 3j's nutrition carb cycle log (Pics/Measurements)

Keep it up bro. Always goin to be people that want to bring u down. At least you've got the dedication to get diet down pat.
What does 3j have to do with anything? He could of just get the diet plan and not take steroids for another year, then his results would be that much better, i feel if you have no base from the get go you'll lose almost all the gains from your cycle, no matter how good your pct, diet training is.
Judging by his pic he looks like average guy walking down the street, steroids are for those who are serious about bodybuilding, I also understand its his choice and its none of my business but just trying to help the dude out.

So proper diet and training after the cycle will still result in lost gains? interesting, you learn something new every day I guess.

can't wait to see effects in 1 month... with such gear and good diet the result should be excelent, i can already see some minor improvements in your body, but as someone said there isn't much muscle on you so effects won't come so fast.. but just keep on going and good luck!!!
Da11, I started my first cycle looking a lot like you in terms of body fat. I can see muscle gains and I'm on week 5. I don't care to look like most of these guys, super low body fat percentages. Keep up he good work!
So proper diet and training after the cycle will still result in lost gains? interesting, you learn something new every day I guess.


I said if you have no base, then yes you'll lose everything and go back to normal maybe keep 1-2lb out of the 20, anyone telling you otherwise is bullshitting..
Having a strong foundation before taking steroid is the best thing you can do IMO.
Day 32


Neck +1.25"
Chest +1.5"
Stomach -2"
Waist -.5"
Biceps +1.5"
Thighs 0
Calves +.75"
Forearm +.75"

Weight +1.6lbs

Been hitting cardio a lot harder and increased my workout intensity (less rest in between sets, all sets to failure). Still need to shed quite a bit of fat!!

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Coming from the 20year old using juice...... Lets not clog this guys log up with putting him down.

in all fairness, i deserved it more than him

200lbs, 6'0 squat and deadlift over 500lbs and bench over 315

I'm not trying to put him down, whats done is done, but i don't think it was a smart choice, it was just the easy way out. He could have made gains naturally, more gains than i could have made naturally.


a persons choice to use gear is theirs... i facilitate the diet that goes with the gear... he is making great progress some of which he wont see till after the cycle due to bloat... which is common out there... so guys i understand what your saying but clogging up the thread with negative comments isn't getting us anywhere.. he is doing something most people dont.. he's making sure he's on a correct and optimal diet while cycling.. thankfully this cycle will not go to waste

it just bothers me that you are supporting this just because of his diet, can't we agree he could have done this just with a good diet and not need the gear yet? i mean just from reading your signature it clearly says that.

"80% Diet 15% Training 5% gear"

I'm just pissed off that people think just because you are "Older" and not 20, its fine if you do gear without training properly for years. I busted my ass since i was 15. Worked while i was in school and i still work now that im in university just so i can afford to pay for my own food, supps, and such.

Regardless OP, i wish you the best.
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in all fairness, i deserved it more than him

200lbs, 6'0 squat and deadlift over 500lbs and bench over 315

I'm not trying to put him down, whats done is done, but i don't think it was a smart choice, it was just the easy way out. He could have made gains naturally, more gains than i could have made naturally.

it just bothers me that you are supporting this just because of his diet, can't we agree he could have done this just with a good diet and not need the gear yet? i mean just from reading your signature it clearly says that.

"80% Diet 15% Training 5% gear"

I'm just pissed off that people think just because you are "Older" and not 20, its fine if you do gear without training properly for years. I busted my ass since i was 15. Worked while i was in school and i still work now that im in university just so i can afford to pay for my own food, supps, and such.

Regardless OP, i wish you the best.

Why would you think I haven't trained properly? You are assuming that I haven't because I have some extra bf? And you assume that everyone using gear is trying to blow up like a freak.

I can tell you that I've been lifting on and off for 25 years. I played college baseball and had the privilege of learning from some great athletes and trainers. I was 145lbs after my playing years at age 22. I've naturally put on over 50 lbs lifting and eating. I know my body and now I'm trying to lose the stubborn fat that came along with that.

In my mind using a small amount of gear for a short period of time to facilitate this goal is no different that you using it to gain 20lbs or for Lance Armstrong to use it to help win the Tour de France, or the guy that gets some test so he can feel on top of the world for 8 weeks out of the year. Quit being so narrow-minded and just wait til your 40 then get back with me.....lol
I said if you have no base, then yes you'll lose everything and go back to normal maybe keep 1-2lb out of the 20, anyone telling you otherwise is bullshitting..
Having a strong foundation before taking steroid is the best thing you can do IMO.

Any reasonable person will say build a strong base first fair enough..people without a strong base will generally lag in their training and diet post cycle once the 'honeymoon' phase with a...I've personally witnessed many who do take the time to learn both and retain much of their gains...perhaps not as much as others, but upto 50% with proper work..does not in any way mean post cycle the results will disappear

DA good work you can see the change
I'm amazed you are taking this much gear and your measurements are so small. I would personally have eaten more food first before taking that amount of tren and dbol etc.... On that much gear I have 19inch arms and weigh 100pounds more than you. Just seems like you could easily gain from just simply eating more..... is the gear helping or is the extra food 3J asked you to eat helping more?

I said the same. Especially surprised he's running tren. No offense bro but this looks like this could be your first cycle based on pics and measurements. To each is own. Good luck!
I definitely see what you guys mean as far as having a good base. As I'm losing fat I realize that there is way more fat than I thought and less muscle.
Why would you think I haven't trained properly? You are assuming that I haven't because I have some extra bf? And you assume that everyone using gear is trying to blow up like a freak.

I can tell you that I've been lifting on and off for 25 years. I played college baseball and had the privilege of learning from some great athletes and trainers. I was 145lbs after my playing years at age 22. I've naturally put on over 50 lbs lifting and eating. I know my body and now I'm trying to lose the stubborn fat that came along with that.

In my mind using a small amount of gear for a short period of time to facilitate this goal is no different that you using it to gain 20lbs or for Lance Armstrong to use it to help win the Tour de France, or the guy that gets some test so he can feel on top of the world for 8 weeks out of the year. Quit being so narrow-minded and just wait til your 40 then get back with me.....lol

if you did it naturally then, you can cut down naturally now if you really wanted

if you did decide to do it with AAS's i don't see why you would start this way.

Regardless, best of luck to you.

I'm not saying what i did was smart personally, but hey you live and you learn

no regrets right?

Best of luck bud
if you did it naturally then, you can cut down naturally now if you really wanted

if you did decide to do it with AAS's i don't see why you would start this way.

Regardless, best of luck to you.

I'm not saying what i did was smart personally, but hey you live and you learn

no regrets right?

Best of luck bud

Thanks Bro!

Really I didn't realize how much of the diet puzzle was missing until I started working with 3J's, he's got me on the right track finally.
not everyone is blessed with bodybuilder genetics. guys seriously stfu with how much gear this guy needs. He's already lower then what the average suggested amount is.

keep up the solid work dude your doing great

Thanks Talos!
Day 39

3J gave me some great motivation and advice this week. I feel like I've made some really good progress this week.

Total difference since start:

Neck +.75"
Chest +2.5"
Stomach -2.5"
Waist -1"
Biceps +1"
Thighs 0
Calves +.25"
Forearm +.25"

Weight -3lbs

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