Test/tren/deca/mast/sd blast

you've got a lot of compounds going already.. but kick starting deca with NPP for the first 6 weeks will get the nandrolone going way quicker then waiting til week 8 for the decaonate nandrolone to kick in.
Uh you're running exactly what I'm on with mine all being long esters. My doses are a bit different, but I've got 90lbs on you. It's definitely an amazing stack, but be sure to keep an eye on estradiol and your liver values.

You're a big boy, halfwit. I ran all long ester test tren nand last bulk. This time, only reason I am adding the mast prop and tren ace instead of more enanthate is because I have a few vials sitting around already. My aromasin is not pharma (ralox is though) but it is from one of the very top UGLs in the entire game and is very good (all my gear is from this lab, and as I said it provides to many ifbb pros and top amatures). Reason test is sub 300 is for that very issue (estro). I know deca converts, but not nearly as much as test. Not sure if this is known around this board, but deca can actually exhibit estrogenic effects directly at the androgen receptor itself. SERMs and AIs will do nothing if you are unlucky and this is the case and develop nip issues from deca. Therefore, you must drop deca...only option since blocking that negative effect blocks the anabolic properties of deca acting at the AR.

I think I'll take some tudca and NAC for liver protection. Both very good. Milk thistle and random bs liver support supps are just that, bs.

you've got a lot of compounds going already.. but kick starting deca with NPP for the first 6 weeks will get the nandrolone going way quicker then waiting til week 8 for the decaonate nandrolone to kick in.

Well thankfully the nandrolone will be in full swing by then, but at lower doses. I am on 240mg test, 250mg deca, 200mg tren e for a cruise right now. In about 2 weeks, I up the deca to 500 and leave the rest the same. Three weeks more and the deca goes to 840, along with the raise in tren e, and addition of mast p and tren a. I like the idea since I've never used NPP but I'll hold off for now.
I'm loving how everyone is chiming in with compound advice - but no one has picked up on the diet...

For me, I'd be adding 50-100g protein daily and subtracting the same amount of carbs...

You're currently aiming at 1g protein per lb of bodyweight, whereas I think you should be hitting 1.25/1.5g.

And the aforementioned amount of carbs would be suitable for a conventional bulk, but you said that you are aiming to keep bf the same and add lean mass - if this is the case, you're going to be consuming too many carbs.

Just my opinion.
