Test / Tren Log w/ Pics


New member
My Background Info:
24 Years old
6 Years lifting experience (3 years cycling on / off)
I started my lifting career when I was 135lbs at 18 years old. After about 2 years I got serious about it and got up to about 145 before i started throwing some real supps into my routine. I got up to about 180lbs at 6% BF Over a 2 year period. However shit hit the fan, lost the job, lost the girl, went into a crazy bad depression. Lost all gains and was back at 135 at my lowest point. Took 3 years to gain it, and 6 months to lose it all. I was prepping for my first bodybuilding show at the time as well.. shit sucks.

Anyways. I pulled myself out of depression after almost a year later.. and finally back in the gym for the last 2 months. 4 and a half weeks ago I started cycle again, which I am super eager to get underway with now that i have a full time job again, as well as another girlfriend. So I have some muscle memory to work with, and i already know the whole routine on how to get big, so I should see some serious growth from this cycle. I'll be Posting up to date progress and pics.

Current Stats:
24years old
Ectomorph body type

The Cycle:
15 Week Bulk Cycle

The Stack:
Testosterone Enanthate
Trenbolone Enanthate
GHRP-6 & CJC 1295 (MOD GRF 1-29) No DAC

The Support Supplements:
Fish Oil
Creatine Monohydrate
Milk Thistle
No Shotgun
No Synthesize
Melanotan II
TB500 (right rotator cuff injury)
Letrozole (as needed)

The Breakdown:
1-3 Anavar 1 cap daily
1-15 Test Enanthate 900mg EOD (3x a week) @ 300mg / ml
1-15 Tren Enanthate 400mg Bi-Weekly Tues / Fri (2x a week) @ 200mg / ml
4-10 GHRP-6 & CJC 1295 ED 100mcg x3 (300mcg Total Daily) Sub-Q
5-10 IFG-1 LR3 50mcg ED Bi-lateral IM post workout

Current Progress:
4.5 weeks into Cycle. Up 25lbs Currently sitting at 165.0

aww yeah, shits about to hit the roof :) I'll try and throw some pics up tonight for ya guys. Feel free to ask any questions you have.

Note: No PCT has been added to this post yet, so don't mistake my support supplements as my post cycle therapy (pct). lol
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Generally you want to cut your face out of the pictures because you're talking about taking test and tren etc which is at best quasi-legal. And seriously bro, learn to eat. I love tren more than most, but it's not what you need right now. 2700mg of test is ludicrous for a guy your size. 800mg of tren is.. well, it's a wild goddamn ride. Do you have life insurance or something?
Where I respect your low bf you're too light to be on that much gear bro. Why not look into something more along the lines of dbol/test/decca ? Or if you're worried about bloat var/equi/test ? At the end of the day its going to come down to your diet. Just my .02
Let me rephrase that. I may have typed it up wrong. but thats 900mg / wk not 2700mg /wk and only 400mg/tren /wk and i'm sitting at 165lbs right now.... I've been up to 180lbs on cycle before. its not a weight i'm un-used to.
Generally you want to cut your face out of the pictures because you're talking about taking test and tren etc which is at best quasi-legal. And seriously bro, learn to eat. I love tren more than most, but it's not what you need right now. 2700mg of test is ludicrous for a guy your size. 800mg of tren is.. well, it's a wild goddamn ride. Do you have life insurance or something?

Learn to eat? You have no clue what my meal plan looks like... i'm up 25lbs in 4.5 weeks.. and my BF% has dropped.. I'd say that my diet is pretty fucking clean. all my meals are prepped and good to go. my carbs fats protein are all calculated for.

I thought being in a forum like this that I would get away from idiots like the ones on facebook automatically assuming shit about fitness and nutrition. But I can see this forum is also filled with people assuming that my diet isn't in check.. Please... My meal plan probably puts 99% of the people on these forums to shame.. not to mention I follow up all my levels with blood panel results, get hydrostatic weighing done monthly to measure BF%, and have been in the competitive bodybuilding scene for years... So please, if you arn't extremely knowledgable, try not to give advice.. because your not in a point to do so..
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Learn to eat? You have no clue what my meal plan looks like... i'm up 25lbs in 4.5 weeks.. and my BF% has dropped.. I'd say that my diet is pretty fucking clean. all my meals are prepped and good to go. my carbs fats protein are all calculated for.

I thought being in a forum like this that I would get away from idiots like the ones on facebook automatically assuming shit about fitness and nutrition. But I can see this forum is also filled with people assuming that my diet isn't in check.. Please... My meal plan probably puts 99% of the people on these forums to shame.. not to mention I follow up all my levels with blood panel results, get hydrostatic weighing done monthly to measure BF%, and have been in the competitive bodybuilding scene for years... So please, if you arn't extremely knowledgable, try not to give advice.. because your not in a point to do so..

Let me recap to see if I get this:

You think facebook is full of assholes who assume your diet and training aren't working.

So you come here and think that 99% of us are assholes whose diet and training don't work.

Did I get that correctly?

Bro, if you can't hold 200lbs, your training and diet aren't working. I can tell you exactly what this cycle is going to do: you're going to put on weight with the tren. You're going to complain about the sides. You're going to cycle off. You're going to lose those gains. And then you're going to blame your metabolism, or the gear, or your shape/form. Anything but the guy in the fucking mirror.

You want to put on weight? You want to get bigger? GOMAD brother. Eat three fucking pounds of beef a day. Throw that shit in some hamburger helper. You obviously have cardio down (which is catabolic, yo), so work off those excess carbs the way you're already doing it. If you can't put on weight after GOMAD and the "hamburger helper diet," I'll believe that you might have a metabolic disorder.

But ask yourself why we would assume this kind of thing. The answer is we see lots and lots of dudes show up who are skinny and little and think that a gram of gear (holy shit) is going to turn them into arnold. That's not how it works. You come to gear after you figure your own shit out. You haven't. Stick around a few weeks or months and see how many posts just like yours show up and ask again why we might assume certain things about your skinny ass.
you 135lbs! you shouldnt even think about taking gear till your 200lbs Natty,just my opinion!

Yup 135 is where I started and didn't cycle until I was 190lbs. DIET. This whole ectomorph shit is BS, its an excuse. I used it for a long time too until I learned how to eat.
Let me recap to see if I get this:

You think facebook is full of assholes who assume your diet and training aren't working.

So you come here and think that 99% of us are assholes whose diet and training don't work.

Did I get that correctly?

Bro, if you can't hold 200lbs, your training and diet aren't working. I can tell you exactly what this cycle is going to do: you're going to put on weight with the tren. You're going to complain about the sides. You're going to cycle off. You're going to lose those gains. And then you're going to blame your metabolism, or the gear, or your shape/form. Anything but the guy in the fucking mirror.

You want to put on weight? You want to get bigger? GOMAD brother. Eat three fucking pounds of beef a day. Throw that shit in some hamburger helper. You obviously have cardio down (which is catabolic, yo), so work off those excess carbs the way you're already doing it. If you can't put on weight after GOMAD and the "hamburger helper diet," I'll believe that you might have a metabolic disorder.

But ask yourself why we would assume this kind of thing. The answer is we see lots and lots of dudes show up who are skinny and little and think that a gram of gear (holy shit) is going to turn them into arnold. That's not how it works. You come to gear after you figure your own shit out. You haven't. Stick around a few weeks or months and see how many posts just like yours show up and ask again why we might assume certain things about your skinny ass.

No I think facebook is full of people who make assumptions without even knowing my training or eating style, or before seeing progress pictures.
Which is exactly what happened here.

I've ran several cycles over the past years... At most i've lost 5 pounds during a PCT... I obviously don't know what i'm doing tho huh?

Three fucking pounds of ground beef? dude that shits week... thats just me fucking snacking between my 8 meals a day... I'm on 5,000+ calories a day at 250+g protein, I Have gotten to 170lbs+ natty, but i'm not going to wait around for another year to get back there just cus i lost my job and couldn't eat for awhile.

I never said anything about a metabolic disorder lol, the only reason i even mentioned the ectomorph body type was just to give you all an idea that my metabolism is fast and my body frame is small. Thats the ONLY reasons lol.

I understand you get alot of guys coming in here and losing their gains / making shitty cycles etc... and I understand my post count is low, but that doesn't mean that my knowledge of bodybuilding is limited.

And another example of everyone here making assumptions... "I must have cardio down?" pls... What cardio? Maybe 10mins of stairs once a week to keep my heart in better shape.