1kg = 2.20 lbs
www.accessdata.fda.gov label; FDA Data Testim 1%
That's 10% over 24 hours from a USP grade, pharmaceutical corporation with billions of dollars in research. You somehow achieved 7x that efficacy at home?
Testim is a slow release gel. Why wouldnt I be able to achieve better? My goal wasnt to have a 24 hr release topical that was mild on the skin.
Side effects are a pretty good standard to guess a drugs doseage. We've all felt something was underdosed before. Better yet, most tren users know where their threshold for berable sides are.
Pretty weak fellas. Cant the mods atleast filter weak gay jokes?
In the end I think trenbolone acetate taken in oral solution would be the best route for the powder buyer. Maybe test acetate could be done the same way. Its bioavalbility in dogs was found to be around 10%. Hindered by being poorly soluble in water. I have not found studies done with humans.
I started at 220 at about 25% and ended at 208 at about 16%.
49er the more you post in it the longer it will be on the first page.
Halfwit, your first point is so senseless that it can only be more of you fingering your butthole all over my thread. I won't spend the time to explain to you the difference between quick absorption, instant absorption and testim. or do the math for you demonstrating hormone levels for tren acetate eod vs tren base twice daily.
If you're not brewing it yourself you really don't have an opinion here. Especially if it's not all brewed from the same batch. Of Course you use the most arbitrary sides ever. I'm talking about insomnia, blood pressure, cardiovascular capacity etc.
It was an experiment, one that yielded the exact results I wanted. If you didn't come in an finger you butthole everywhere, members could read the design, setup and results and decide for themselves. Now they have to sift through your bullshit.
I have yet to say injection isn't the most effective method. I am saying that it may not be the safest and is definitely not necessary in every case.
there you go, I sifted through the bullshit and highlighted to anyone reading this why your theories are flawed. I also make note that testing efficacy by sides is a horrible idea.