Whats up guys?
I'm in post cycle therapy (pct) right now so i got a few months before i start back. I already figured out where i'm going to order my stuff from so I'm going to get it as soon as i get my cycle 100% figured out. Anyways, hope you guys can help me out.
- 5' 9", 210, 15.8 bf. (highest my bodyfat has ever been)
- Lifting heavy and eating big for about 5 years.
- This will be my third injectable steroid cycle
- Cycle 1= test cyp 500mg weeks 1-10
- Cycle 2= injectable dbol weeks 1-4 50mg ed, test prop weeks 1-6 150mg eod and then weeks 6-12 test cyp 500mg
- I'd also like to add that i have ran a few prohormones. I have run Alpha One, Jungle Warfare, and H-drol.
- Pct for the prohormones was nolva only and post cycle therapy (pct) for the test/dbol was clomid only.
My goal is to lose AS MUCH body fat as possible (i hold 90% of my bodyfat in my lovehandle and waist area), while NOT losing muscle and packing on anywhere from 7-10lbs of muscle would be pretty nice too.
I've only had to cut twice and both times i've tried to cut naturally and i lost SO much muscle and hardly any fat. I just want to see my abs again like i had when i was a skinny boy at 130lbs and 8% bodyfat. I haven't really seen my abs at all since i've been working out. I'd like to get my veins, definition, and aesthetics back. I'm ready to work for it. I have my diet, workout, and cardio regime in check (I am actually using another guys cardio/diet regime from this site. It looks really good. I can post it on here if anyone is looking for a good diet and cardio routine)
Weeks 1-10 50mg or 75 mg? Test Prop taken every day
Weeks 1-8 50mg or 75mg? Tren Acetate taken every day
Weeks 1-8 .5mg Caber taken twice a week.
Weeks 5-10 50mg Liquid Winstrol every day
Pct: (2-3 days after last shot)
Nolva 20/20/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50
(Letro on hand for emergencies)
(Aromasin on hand in-case of gyno flare up)
*Also i was thinking about alternating these two:
clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off wk 1-10
Ecy stack 2 weeks on clen off weeks wk 1-10
A few questions?
What do you think about alternating the clen and ecy stack?
Would winstrol be good to lean me out
and tighten up everything or should i drop that?
Also, could you look over my prop, tren, and Winstrol (winny) doses and tell me
if those sound about right?
And just give me your overall opinion.
What would you change and why.
Let me know what you guys think.
I'm in post cycle therapy (pct) right now so i got a few months before i start back. I already figured out where i'm going to order my stuff from so I'm going to get it as soon as i get my cycle 100% figured out. Anyways, hope you guys can help me out.
- 5' 9", 210, 15.8 bf. (highest my bodyfat has ever been)
- Lifting heavy and eating big for about 5 years.
- This will be my third injectable steroid cycle
- Cycle 1= test cyp 500mg weeks 1-10
- Cycle 2= injectable dbol weeks 1-4 50mg ed, test prop weeks 1-6 150mg eod and then weeks 6-12 test cyp 500mg
- I'd also like to add that i have ran a few prohormones. I have run Alpha One, Jungle Warfare, and H-drol.
- Pct for the prohormones was nolva only and post cycle therapy (pct) for the test/dbol was clomid only.
My goal is to lose AS MUCH body fat as possible (i hold 90% of my bodyfat in my lovehandle and waist area), while NOT losing muscle and packing on anywhere from 7-10lbs of muscle would be pretty nice too.
I've only had to cut twice and both times i've tried to cut naturally and i lost SO much muscle and hardly any fat. I just want to see my abs again like i had when i was a skinny boy at 130lbs and 8% bodyfat. I haven't really seen my abs at all since i've been working out. I'd like to get my veins, definition, and aesthetics back. I'm ready to work for it. I have my diet, workout, and cardio regime in check (I am actually using another guys cardio/diet regime from this site. It looks really good. I can post it on here if anyone is looking for a good diet and cardio routine)
Weeks 1-10 50mg or 75 mg? Test Prop taken every day
Weeks 1-8 50mg or 75mg? Tren Acetate taken every day
Weeks 1-8 .5mg Caber taken twice a week.
Weeks 5-10 50mg Liquid Winstrol every day
Pct: (2-3 days after last shot)
Nolva 20/20/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50
(Letro on hand for emergencies)
(Aromasin on hand in-case of gyno flare up)
*Also i was thinking about alternating these two:
clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off wk 1-10
Ecy stack 2 weeks on clen off weeks wk 1-10
A few questions?
What do you think about alternating the clen and ecy stack?
Would winstrol be good to lean me out
and tighten up everything or should i drop that?
Also, could you look over my prop, tren, and Winstrol (winny) doses and tell me
if those sound about right?
And just give me your overall opinion.
What would you change and why.
Let me know what you guys think.
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