Test/Winstrl cycle. Need help and some tips


New member
Right now I am injured for another 7/8 days .I have flamed muscles in the arm. Cant explain it
I am 185 I weight right now 89/90 Kilos. Muscles I still have some abs but I put some fat . I have not done any diets last 2 months but I still train.

I want to hit the best shape of my life for the summer. A bodybuidler told me to do Test E and Winstrl injections. One day Winy the next test twice per week both for 6 weeks

I want to drop down to 84/85 KG and put some more muscles. In january I was becnhpressing 125kg but now I think I can make 100kg 5/6 times. As I said last two months I trained twice per week just to keep in shape. I had some injuries and other things.
any feedback ?
honeslty man u should realy keep gear for when u are in good physical condition alraedy . there are lots of things that can happen when u havent realy been giving it your all and u try gear . for example injury . however if u are fixed on it .... 6 weeks is NOTHING for a test cycle , absolutely pointless , run test for 12 weeks and id say forget the wonstrol . If u realy want to cut and lose wieght and look trim, its ALL DIET , dont forget that . winstrol is know for flushing water out of the body to give a leaner appearance . but this is more of a show preping type of compund and can cause alot of joint problems from flushed water while on . id suggets just test if u do it at around 500mg per week split in 2 injections of 250mg . u will need either aromasin or arimidex to prevent estrogen sides . USE THE Aromatase inhibitor (AI) . u will alspo need a pct of clomid and or nolva . id suggest using both because pct is more important then the cycle itself if u want to recover and keep gains . fotget the Winstrol (winny) , get your diet on point .