test500 / proviron / winny


New member
500mg test for 15 weeks (wildcat test500)
75mg proviron per day for 15 weeks
50-100mg Winstrol (winny) for last 4 weeks (doseage depending on sides/results)

nolva for 5 weeks and blast HCG after last test jab

what you think folks??
What are your stats? age, height, weight, lifting history, cycling history, etc... Without knowing any of this we can't really give you any advice. I would say drop the Winstrol (winny) unless you plan on competing, even then it really isn't needed. The side effects greatly outweigh the benefits.
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Can't help if we have no clue as to what you weigh,height etc..As for the Winstrol (winny), I have never been a fan for it being so toxic to the liver & having one of the worst hepatoxicity (mg for mg) of any steroid.
sorry folks -

stats are - 27 years old, been lifting seriously for 8 years, have done 2 previous test only cycles, 6ft2, 94kg, 10%bf

what would you use instead of Winstrol (winny) to really tighten/dry up?