testabol enanthate = testosterone enanthate?


I picked up 3 vials of british dragon test a few hours ago and I just have 1 question about the vial.
Stuff is 100% legit, I've checked the hologram with the website.

My question is - it says testabol enanthate, then underneath it testosterone enanthate.
What does testabol mean? This is just normal testosterone isn't it? What does testabol mean?

I picked up 3 vials of british dragon test a few hours ago and I just have 1 question about the vial.
Stuff is 100% legit, I've checked the hologram with the website.

My question is - it says testabol enanthate, then underneath it testosterone enanthate.
What does testabol mean? This is just normal testosterone isn't it? What does testabol mean?


testabol is just a name its testosterone but u do know BD is all counterfeit products dont mean its bunk just counterfeit.
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hell no not pharma grade.Pharma means it comes from the doc or a pharmacy made by say watson not british dragon lol its an old company that was once good but went out of biz.Now people who dont have the balls to make a lab them self counterfeit this name it can be decent brew but 100percent ugl counterfeit ask around bro
I've did a bit of looking about on the web, other forums and whatnot and it seems to me that the stuff is pretty legit.
On their website they say that the company split or something and .com has nothing to do with .eu and only .eu is legit. Is the eu site just people faking the old name?
Any idea if the counterfeit stuff from the eu website is any good?

Thanks for the help bro
After a bit of searching I understand what you meant now, their a fake lab using another labs name.
Question remains - have you any idea what the product is like?
No bother bro, seems most people hate the company because they stole BDs name but the people who have used it say its gtg.
Thanks for the help anyways man