Testing Tren....

SemperFi 0321

New member
Say someone wasn't sure that they got some legit gear (Tren, that is) and they wanted to test it. Is there any way to do this? What about testing Dbol, any way to do this? Thanks for the info....

Semper Fi
YOu have to send a sample away to a lab. It will probably cost you about $100.

From the best of my knowledge they will only test if the Tren is Tren. If it isn't, they can't tell you what the actually compound is.

For example, you could have test in there, not tren.

The report will say Tren Ace 0mg/ml

Something along those lines.
jarbulldog said:
why not make your own tren it is cheaper

Still learning..........and I want to see how Tren works for me before I commit to making it myself. I don't know about this bottle though. That's why I want to test it. So, I may just end up making some of my own for this cycle.

Semper Fi
or send it to PB's QA Dept. We test for free and will send you a report to let you know how good it is. no really......
Yeah...i sent my NPP to PB's and he tested it for me....it was a great batch!! ID recccommend him to anyone!!
pullinbig said:
or send it to PB's QA Dept. We test for free and will send you a report to let you know how good it is. no really......

hahahaha......hmmm.....uh.........lemme see..........i'll have to think about that one. NotGonnaHappen!!! :nonono2:

But if it doesn't work for me, I'll send you whats left and you can dispose of it for me! :thefinger:
Making tren is VERY easy, just read the directions over and over and you will get it. It's totally worth knowing your gear is 100% real.
making is possible, but, from what source? also ,don't go past 2 weeks caouse your muscles start to tweek and knarl up. Yes?
i have done tren for well over 6 months without a break. however cramping is a real side, but that's true with most AAS.
sides from tren...u can get fina dick...some cramping...idk much more...probably lethargy, and night sweats as well...Bump for PB
depends on the dosing and what you stack it with. at high doses 200mg/d i coldnt sleep or eat. lost weight. strength increased dramtically. at lower doses i added weight and strength. tren is a very unique hormone. prolly the most versitile one out there cept HGH. i have never had a loss of libido from the 19 nors (deca, tren). but many have. add some test to take care of this. test and tren stack perfectly.

the sides are controlable if you are predisposed to tren sides. everyone is not. once you get started you will know and if you need anti e's have them ready.
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