Testosterone booster for energy

Michael Jordan

New member
Can you tell me what is the best testosteron booster which you can purchase online?
I want to be freakish athlete and train all day long, I need something for energy and to lift more at the gym.
I heard testogen is good.
The only testosterone booster that works is testosterone itself. Test boosters are simply useless and a waste of money...
The only testosterone booster that works is testosterone itself. Test boosters are simply useless and a waste of money...

Clomid, Tamoxifen, Aromasin or Arimidex would boost Natty T as well; especially if they are low to begin with.

OP: what is you TT currently at?
Can you tell me what is the best testosteron booster which you can purchase online?
I want to be freakish athlete and train all day long, I need something for energy and to lift more at the gym.
I heard testogen is good.

Save your money and do it right, can you share more stats with us?
if your levels are truly 1200.. you dont need a boost.. im on trt to get to those levels lol
we have all been young. And I understand. I personally wont promote slackerism. Aswell I don't believe in chemical warfare that modern bb is. GOAT Arnold forever.
we have all been young. And I understand. I personally wont promote slackerism. Aswell I don't believe in chemical warfare that modern bb is. GOAT Arnold forever.

its all those damn cartoons telling kids that there is a magic pill for everything.