Testosterone booster/pro hormone


New member
I am 28 years old a currently lifting 4-5 times per week. I was 197 lbs when I started lifting again. My goal is to lose 20 lbs body fat and replace with 15 lbs of muscle. I have been at it since january and am currently weighing in at 185. I am using Yok3d, Jack3d, creatine, glutamine, Oxyelite, and Syntha-6 along with a multivitamin. I feel that I have reached a plateau and am considering a test booster. Any suggestions? I have never taken a prohormone and dont know where to start.
I think for you to reach a plateau in only "being at it" for 3.5 months to be a bit ridiculous. Took me a solid 6 years to legit hit a plateau..

have you tried diet change, supplemental change, or training change??? your jumping into it way to fast imo..

whats your diet like? i guarantee you thats where your problem is as diet is 75% of it.

plus your looking to put on muscle but your taking oep at the same time. there is no way you will cut 20lbs of fat and put 15lbs of muscle while taking a thermo...
I think for you to reach a plateau in only "being at it" for 3.5 months to be a bit ridiculous. Took me a solid 6 years to legit hit a plateau..

have you tried diet change, supplemental change, or training change??? your jumping into it way to fast imo..

whats your diet like? i guarantee you thats where your problem is as diet is 75% of it.

plus your looking to put on muscle but your taking oep at the same time. there is no way you will cut 20lbs of fat and put 15lbs of muscle while taking a thermo...


Your way to early in to hit a real plateau.
Check out the diet forum. Make sure your on point. I know you might think you are but you really should check it out. Keep up the good work though. I wouldn't bother with taking anything else for now. It sounds like your taking a shit load as it is.
Add a protein shake to your daily routine... Drink it whenever, but don't necessarily change anything else. The added kcal, protein, carbs, etc. will help out a lot to break past any 3.5 month plateaus.

Food... it's a hell of a drug.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the info. Will try a better diet first and see a trainer about changing my routine. Should I stop taking the Oxyelite if I want to build muscle? Is Syntha-6 a good protein or should I change it up?