Testosterone known as the base to most cycle stacks


New member
From what I have read and heard, Testosterone is needed as the base for almost all cycles. Does the type of test used really make that much of a significance? If so, how do you go about making the decision of the type of test to use in the cycle?
Thanks for your input.. Through what I have learned test e is what my first option would be. As soon as I can find some that is what I am going to run.
Test C is longer lasting ester. Half-life of E is 4.5 days, while C is 8 days. In a cycle it won't matter though. What ester to use depends on the cycle you want to run and what other drugs you want to run with it.

And test is not needed with every cycle. Again, all depends on the user and the goals.
Thanks for your input.. Through what I have learned test e is what my first option would be. As soon as I can find some that is what I am going to run.

You base the ester on the other substances you're running if you're trying to maximize the efficiency of the cycle.

If it's your first cycle then it's of course test only anyway in which case (c) or (e) is fine.
Thanks for the advice. Given that I have done some pro hormone cycles in the past; if I choose to include another anabolic into my test e cycle, what would you recommend?
don't recommend any other compounds first cycle. Learn to use Test E and handle the side effects. Master that THEN look at other things. You may not even need them. If you get good results from Test E alone, no need to add in more stuff
Test C is longer lasting ester. Half-life of E is 4.5 days, while C is 8 days. In a cycle it won't matter though. What ester to use depends on the cycle you want to run and what other drugs you want to run with it.

And test is not needed with every cycle. Again, all depends on the user and the goals.

So, please do tell what cycles a guy can do that doesn't need test in them???
Test C is longer lasting ester. Half-life of E is 4.5 days, while C is 8 days. In a cycle it won't matter though. What ester to use depends on the cycle you want to run and what other drugs you want to run with it.

And test is not needed with every cycle. Again, all depends on the user and the goals.

yea.. im interested too.. which compound is ok to run without test?? please tell us
guys will drop test before comps a lot.running tren or primo orals too. It depends on your goals.

What makes you guys think you need test all the time?

I've ran tren without test and look, I didn't even die!
Dropping Test a few weeks before comps is normal...

Running a cycle without it is silly, maybe you could get away with something like a DHT+something aromatisable like EQ or Dbol but it isn't smart. At the very least you should be using hCG so that atleast your natural system is producing test or run something like 100-200mg Test per week as the base.

I run on 200mg Test as my cruise and keep it at 200mg year round, using other AAS to blast.
guys will drop test before comps a lot.running tren or primo orals too. It depends on your goals.

What makes you guys think you need test all the time?

I've ran tren without test and look, I didn't even die!

because the other aas shut down your own production and not taking test means you are not covering your loss and I am told testosterone is needed for many things in the body besides muscle or sex. it seems to make sense to me so that is what I tell others also.
guys will drop test before comps a lot.running tren or primo orals too. It depends on your goals.

What makes you guys think you need test all the time?

I've ran tren without test and look, I didn't even die!

You need test all the time because your natural production is shutdown & you need to make up for it - the fact that you've been on this board for 11yrs and didnt know this astounds me.

Yea...what applies to pros does NOT apply to everyone else - they stay on year round and have no intention of recovering their natural production. Basically, health considerations are irrelevant to them.

LOL the fact that you put test & death in the same sentence shows how little you know - please avoid giving careless advice in the future without something solid to back you up.
And no, "the pros do it" is not a solid explanation :)