One very important fact, that is rarely mentioned on this site, is that you get MORE testosterone when shooting prop.
Testosterone is usually attached to an ester (i.e. when you buy testosterone propionate, the subject of this profile, you are buying testosterone with a propionate ester attached). The ester determines how long it takes your body to dispose of the steroid in question, and propionate is the shortest ester available with a testosterone base (of course, testosterone suspension has no ester). There are enzymes, called esterases, in your body which have the function of removing the ester from steroids, and leaving you with just the steroid molecule with the ester cleaved off. Depending on how heavy the ester chain is, that determines how long it takes the esterase to remove it. And that amount of time determines how long the drug stays active in your body. Great, right? Not really...see, the ester takes up "room" in the injection. Check out this chart:
Chemical = Formula = Molecular Weight = Mg of Testosterone
Testosterone (no ester) = C19 H28 O2 = 288.4mg = 100mg
Propionate = C3 H4 O = 56.1mg = 83.72mg
Cypionate = C8 H4 O = 124.2mg = 69.90mg
Here, we´re comparing Testosterone with no ester (suspension) with Test Propionate and Cypionate (basically the longest vs. shortest esters available with testosterone).
So you see, the longer the ester on the testosterone is, the longer the steroid is active in your body, and the less actual test you get. This is because, for every 100mgs of testosterone cypionate you inject, only 69.90mgs of it is actually testosterone, the rest is the cypionate ester, which must be removed. On the other hand, with the propionate ester you´ll get 83.72mgs of Testosterone!