Testosterone Propionate VS Testosterone Enanthate


Chemical Freak
I have been through many searches on the internet for this one. The reason I am even CONSIDERING propionate is because I have heard that Propionate is good for cutting and also you can feel it more immediately. The problem I have is that EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE complains about the injection and site pain with propionate. Obviously you have to inject propionate more frequently so this is a cunt in itself. Is there any point in going through the extra hassle. Fellas only if you have ran propionate respond. Thanks
If your cutting use prop it tends to keep the water weight to a minimum, if you arent worried about water weight and want to wait 4-5 weeks for test to kick in run cyp or enanth. Ive had no problems with prop, it may sting a little bit but its nothing to make you not want to ever do it again. Its not that bad.
prop isnt bad at all, shooting blows but you get used to it. as far as the water weight goes, i think it is a trivial amount of difference between enanthate and prop and really shouldnt be an issue unless you are a professional bodybuilder competing at olympia. you wont notice much of a difference at all.
Prop certainly has it's places......if you are into running short cycles (up to 8 weeks) for instance you can't beat the ester.
I prefer Prop. I really have no issues injecting more frequently and I'm one of the few people who doesn't really notice the effects of the Enanthate until week 6 or 7. Unless I kick start the cycle with Prop or an oral, my gains are very slow until week 6 or so. I would use Prop unless I was going to cycle for more than 12 weeks, anything shorter would be Prop exclusively.
One very important fact, that is rarely mentioned on this site, is that you get MORE testosterone when shooting prop.

Testosterone is usually attached to an ester (i.e. when you buy testosterone propionate, the subject of this profile, you are buying testosterone with a propionate ester attached). The ester determines how long it takes your body to dispose of the steroid in question, and propionate is the shortest ester available with a testosterone base (of course, testosterone suspension has no ester). There are enzymes, called esterases, in your body which have the function of removing the ester from steroids, and leaving you with just the steroid molecule with the ester cleaved off. Depending on how heavy the ester chain is, that determines how long it takes the esterase to remove it. And that amount of time determines how long the drug stays active in your body. Great, right? Not really...see, the ester takes up "room" in the injection. Check out this chart:

Chemical = Formula = Molecular Weight = Mg of Testosterone
Testosterone (no ester) = C19 H28 O2 = 288.4mg = 100mg
Propionate = C3 H4 O = 56.1mg = 83.72mg
Cypionate = C8 H4 O = 124.2mg = 69.90mg

Here, we´re comparing Testosterone with no ester (suspension) with Test Propionate and Cypionate (basically the longest vs. shortest esters available with testosterone).

So you see, the longer the ester on the testosterone is, the longer the steroid is active in your body, and the less actual test you get. This is because, for every 100mgs of testosterone cypionate you inject, only 69.90mgs of it is actually testosterone, the rest is the cypionate ester, which must be removed. On the other hand, with the propionate ester you´ll get 83.72mgs of Testosterone!
Hey whats up... I am on my first cycle ever and am using prop.... I am glad I did. I researched for a while and from what I read besides the eod injects, prop seemed like it made sense to me.. Injects r nothing. I use a 25g 1 inch pin and dont feel a thing.. I am a lean guy so I went with a smaller gauge and am glad with that choice also. The prop felt like it kicked in in the first week. My chest exploded right away. I am in week three now and am up 12 lbs. ... I havent been able to gain 12 lbs in three or four years. My Diet is on point always.. 3500-4000 cal. 320 g protein at least per day...I am def more aware of my protein intake now while on cycle. I was in great shape to start...39 yo 5-10- 155 shredded. I am now 167 first thing in the morning ,now. Target was 170-175, but I think I might pass that.. Pumps r unreal.. I think either way u go u will be happy... I will recommend prop always... I have only done prop but I know many who use test e and hated waiting for it to kick in. Its nice to see things happen right away.I waited twenty years to do a cycle.. Made more gains in three weeks then I have in years....I am not even half way through. I wonder how much I will end up keeping though... Wish u luck...Pm me if u have any questions..... This site is great.. Many people looking to help out.... Later
Nice so 12lbs in 3 weeks is good I think, have u noticed water retention since with me the first 2-3 weeks sucked up most weight with water but in my new cycle I used small doses of arimidex to keep the bloat under control.
I notice u take 320g protein and u weigh only 167lb I thought that u should only take 1g protein per lb ?
With 3500-4000 calories u obviously bulking hey?
Im running my first prop cycle right now and im enjoying it. I get a little sore after the injection but its nothing to stop me from doing it.

You make a valid assertion, and I agree with you wholeheartedly, but...

I believe that for most beginners, taking ester weight into account is superfluous. The difference between TP and TE or C, in terms of actual testosterone content is still only about 14-20%, depending upon how you run the numbers. Then, given a generous average of plus or minus 10% error for average injection metering...

I think that for many folks, neophytes especially, the number of pin sticks per week is a more pressing concern. As always, I could be wrong.

I did Prop as my first cycle and the gains were worth the pain. I did butt injects, and for 24-32 hours i would have a baseball size bruised feeling in the injection site, but my bench hit 425 in 4 weeks.
Protein amount varies on who I talk to and what I read. Most say 1.5-2 g per lb of body weight. I increased protein intake when I started my cycle. I prob avg 300g per day. It seems to be working for now. 12 lbs on me is unreal. Only problem is I am losing my abs. Still see six pack, but getting a small gut. I figure my stomach is expanding somewhat to hold all this damn food and shakes....Dont notice much water.... Veins are poppin as always , still ripped. See most gains in chest and shoulders. I took off the weekend to get some rest. Will start strong 2mrw..Hvent had any poblems so far with injections. 100mg eod, small pin in delts and quads, all is good. Wish my calves would grow more. Hitting em hard...see gains but calves are my weak point by far.....Good luck
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sorry for bringing back an old thread...but how would you run a first cycle of Test-P by itself? I'm well aware of running other cycles, but Test-P would definitely be different due to the eod injection.