Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and doing a cycle


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TRT and doing a cycle

IF you are on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is is safe to do cycles?Currently on 100mg of cyp. 1wk & 5mg of androgel a day. MY peak Testos level is around
1500 ng/dl AFTER my shot. The lower Testos no. at END of the wk is around 900 ng/dl BEFORE my next injection. With levels kept above normal than Ref Range for TRT
is that causing hidden problems also?
If i can add to stone colds post.... I think there is a ton of confusion among members on this board as to what trt/hrt actually is. Let me start here... The big difference between trt/hrt vs. The use of hormones for bobybuilding or powerlifting or peformance enhancement is simple: There is therapy (trt/hrt) and there is cycling. Ok??? Where do we define which is which?? I personally try not to. I let the fda do that. If you are on hrt/trt, the fda stipulates that a dosage of up to 600mgs/wk of testosterone is adequet therapy by their standards. And that does not even include the allowed useage, legally, of so many other forms of therapy that you are all so used to hearing about...... Oxandrolone, methyltestosterone, stanozolol, thyroid stimulants, ai's, nandrolone decanoate.... Yeah, starting to sound like the components of a pretty good "cycle" right. The only real difference is that the therapies that are obtained via hrt/trt are all domestic and all fda approved and all legally scripted by a doctor. When on a steroid cycle, many of the pieces of the puzzle come from the ug or hopefully trusted sources that you are familiar with. But fella's, you gotta understand that hrt/trt is not just a 100mg shot of test every two weeks, end of story. So if this answers your question..... Yest you can do hrt/trt while doing a "cycle" because when you really break it all down, thats exactely what you are doing anyway.
If i can add to stone colds post.... I think there is a ton of confusion among members on this board as to what trt/hrt actually is. Let me start here... The big difference between trt/hrt vs. The use of hormones for bobybuilding or powerlifting or peformance enhancement is simple: There is therapy (trt/hrt) and there is cycling. Ok??? Where do we define which is which?? I personally try not to. I let the fda do that. If you are on hrt/trt, the fda stipulates that a dosage of up to 600mgs/wk of testosterone is adequet therapy by their standards. And that does not even include the allowed useage, legally, of so many other forms of therapy that you are all so used to hearing about...... Oxandrolone, methyltestosterone, stanozolol, thyroid stimulants, ai's, nandrolone decanoate.... Yeah, starting to sound like the components of a pretty good "cycle" right. The only real difference is that the therapies that are obtained via hrt/trt are all domestic and all fda approved and all legally scripted by a doctor. When on a steroid cycle, many of the pieces of the puzzle come from the ug or hopefully trusted sources that you are familiar with. But fella's, you gotta understand that hrt/trt is not just a 100mg shot of test every two weeks, end of story. So if this answers your question..... Yest you can do hrt/trt while doing a "cycle" because when you really break it all down, thats exactely what you are doing anyway.

SO does that mean it is safe to keep the testosterone levels constantly above Ref Range levels. When doin a cycle you stop administration for a period of time to let your body come back. On testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) you dont !
SO does that mean it is safe to keep the testosterone levels constantly above Ref Range levels. When doin a cycle you stop administration for a period of time to let your body come back. On testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) you dont !

Coming from the point of view of an athlete that has low levels of test, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is bringing the levels up into healthy ranges. Cycles are increasing the levels beyond normal for a short amount of time in order to make significant gains in size and strength.

I never thought I would do steroids, but having low test has quickly changed my outlook. Once I get my normal levels into the upper 1/3 range for a few months, I might decide to do an "cycle". All I want is strength and to look like a 1920's strongman, so I doubt I will do anything too crazy. I already have the handlebar musctache.

BTW, a big reason for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is because with low test, your dick doesn't work.

The trouble with self medicating TRt is that it has to be done for life, so when it comes time to travel, or a cop ever searches you, you can be arrested, thrown in jail without your meds, and charged with all kinds of serious felonies.

Having a prescription is always good if you can get it.
TRT is bringing the levels up into healthy ranges. Cycles are increasing the levels beyond normal for a short amount of time in order to make significant gains in size and strength.

I agree.

I have been on doc prescribed HRT for about two years now. 150mg/week of Test Cyp. It just keeps me in the high end of the normal range, maybe a bit more. But even that only gives me the ability to maintian.

Once or twice a year i do a 10 week cycle of 600mg/week of that same HG gear i get from my doc. Its enuf to add some LBM and give my mind a boost of motivation.

After 2 years though I'm realizing that I need to add some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) therapy as well.
I agree.

I have been on doc prescribed HRT for about two years now. 150mg/week of Test Cyp. It just keeps me in the high end of the normal range, maybe a bit more. But even that only gives me the ability to maintian.

Once or twice a year i do a 10 week cycle of 600mg/week of that same HG gear i get from my doc. Its enuf to add some LBM and give my mind a boost of motivation.

After 2 years though I'm realizing that I need to add some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) therapy as well.

So, bottom line: Can you do a cycle of Androgel for whatever period the two bottlers lasts and then take a break?

And do you need to taper off?

And do you need to take clomid or something else to keep the evil E away? Help stimulate the nuts back into work?
So, bottom line: Can you do a cycle of Androgel for whatever period the two bottlers lasts and then take a break?

And do you need to taper off?

And do you need to take clomid or something else to keep the evil E away? Help stimulate the nuts back into work?

A cycle of Androgel? I'd think that was a waste of time bro. Might wanna ask CHip.
If i can add to stone colds post.... I think there is a ton of confusion among members on this board as to what trt/hrt actually is. Let me start here... The big difference between trt/hrt vs. The use of hormones for bobybuilding or powerlifting or peformance enhancement is simple: There is therapy (trt/hrt) and there is cycling. Ok??? Where do we define which is which?? I personally try not to. I let the fda do that. If you are on hrt/trt, the fda stipulates that a dosage of up to 600mgs/wk of testosterone is adequet therapy by their standards. And that does not even include the allowed useage, legally, of so many other forms of therapy that you are all so used to hearing about...... Oxandrolone, methyltestosterone, stanozolol, thyroid stimulants, ai's, nandrolone decanoate.... Yeah, starting to sound like the components of a pretty good "cycle" right. The only real difference is that the therapies that are obtained via hrt/trt are all domestic and all fda approved and all legally scripted by a doctor. When on a steroid cycle, many of the pieces of the puzzle come from the ug or hopefully trusted sources that you are familiar with. But fella's, you gotta understand that hrt/trt is not just a 100mg shot of test every two weeks, end of story. So if this answers your question..... Yest you can do hrt/trt while doing a "cycle" because when you really break it all down, thats exactely what you are doing anyway.

This is the biggest reason I'm going with a script from Chip. I'm not taking a chance with fake UG shit, and I'm staying legal.

Chip is THE man to talk to.