Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for young guy


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trt for young guy

hi the deal is that im in my 20s and had testicle cancer anyway after surgery my test levels dropped alot, also my energy in gym, bench press went down, no pumps etc. now ( my chemo ended 3 weeks ago) i feel a lot better, i weigh more then i did before, i look better, i get same amazing pumps as before and my bench has actually increased by 20-25 pounds of what it was before everything. I dont know what is causing it but i one of my quesses is that my test is comeing back. anyway before chemo my doc said that come back after the treatment and we do another blood test and if needed then he will give me the drugs i need, now i am going to my doc next week and i just want to know something and i would be very thankful if you guys can give me some answers.

1. while on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) would i pass IFBB bodybuilding drug test, i mean if the dosage is low and not the test inject but some pill, gel or patch.

2. if my levels are low then if i do test e 500mg/week cycle with propar pct then i probably will be still low on test (after pct) but will it make me loose a lot of gains i made from cycle? and about how much of my gains?

i would like to add that i have spoken with few wise men who know what they talk ;)) and they have said that haveing one testicle is just as good as two since it will respond just like two would no exceptions and yes i can use AAS since my cancer wasent androgen dependent but i should stay away GH just to be safe ;))

please answer my two questions if you can, and are 100% sure that you know what you talk about :D

Thank you
if testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is medically needed and a real endo specialist prescribes it then by all means go ahead.
everyone should know their limitations and the chances of becoming a ifbb pro are slim to none for almost anyone , with your health history i SERIOUSLLY reccomend that you forget steroids. dont be stupid , your life depends on it.