Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in NYC or CT



TRT in NYC or CT

I'm 44 years old. I started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) about 7 months ago with my GP who suggested I give it a try when my T was around 260. At first used the gel but then switched to 200ml test cyp every two weeks. At first felt a boost but then fell back into just feeling tired, no great libido, etc. MY GP acknowledged he's not expert so I went to see a highly regarded endo in lower in CT where I live. At day 6 my Test was 900 but my E2 was 56. She recommended going to 100mltest/week which i've done but when I expressed concern about the E2 levels she just dismissed it. I think she's a very good doc but my instinct tells me that men's health is not in her sweet spot and if I had diabetes or other thyroid issue she would be great. I questioned her expertise in this area and she was not offended and said that perhaps seeing a urologist that focused more on men's health would be a good idea.

I am not interested in some new agey kind of dr. that will will adminster testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but also wants to pour supplements down my throat. I see a lot of good info. on this board with a lot of knowledgeable people. With that said can you throw out some names of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) Docs in the NYC and Connecticut area that you believe are qualified to work with me on my issues and that follows many of the protocols set out on these boards?

Any and all info. greatly appreciated.
I don't know of any as I live in the midwest, but why not work with Chip? He's not a pusher by any means and many of us have seen incredible results with his protocols. MaximusHRT.com if you're wondering who this Chip fellow is.
We've all been there AnswerMan. I wasted a shit load of time and money trying to find a Dr that knew how a man's hormones are supposed to work. In the end I was, well, frustrated. I found this board which is just awesome. What a support group. Anyways I went w/Chip. So glad that I did. I guess we all need to go down your road, I feel for you. I truely hope that you find you Dr.. After you give up, Chip is still here. He's about the easiest person to talk with, and he has delt with everything.
I know there is a pretty good Uro in garden city Ny. Kinda far from where u are but if you only go there once every so often its not soo bad.
Dr. Thomas O'Connor in CT is the best bet. He is an Internal medicine doc that specializes in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Google anabolic doc. Sharp as a tac. powerlifting champ. Hope that helps.