I'm already 3.5 months on Test E. Doing my TRT. These tests were taken after 3 months.
So it seems that my levels should be stable already.
The main things I have noticed during my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) are these:
Positive factors: increased my muscle mass, chronic shoulder pain is gone, increased libido, more intense workouts, don't go to bed so early (before at 8p.m. was dead), better apetite, faster metabolism, betters skin.
Negative factors: after 3rd week had sore nipples (after 3 days it was gone), couldn't sleep for few nights after 12th and 13th injection (know it is OK).
The problem with injections is that in Lithuania I have to get these ampules by my self. and the best I can get is 250mg a shot. Not less...
The official possible tests they prescribe are: "Nebido", "Sustanon" and one sort of creme. That's all. Id didn't like "Sustanon", because my mood was like a roller coaster. "Nebido" is kinda interesting, but didn't see anyone here shooting it.