Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) suggestions please


New member
Trt suggestions please

I am 43 years old, been lifting for years. Bulked up to 253, strong as hell in the gym, but also developed 24% bodyfat along the way. Started dieting and lost 24 pounds in two months. Down to 229 with 17% bodyfat now. I went to the doc and had all labs down(PSA, Test, Urine, etc) Everything came back normal except for the Test, which is low(122). The doc wanted to try me out on Testosterone Cypionate 200mg for once a month for three months. I know that was a no go so I was thinking of trying Testosterone Ethanate 250mg twice a week for 12 weeks. Any thoughts, suggestions, opinions would be greatly appreciated. I am a newbie here. By the way, I want to put on lean muscle mass with a full lookbut not too bloated. Thanks
You can run that cycle and try clomid after to see if it brings your levels back up. Tell your doc he's an idiot for wanted to administer a monthly shot. I say find a new doc who knows what he's doing and get on weekly shots of 200mg.
What's your LH and FSH? Use these lab results to try to figure out if you have primary or secondary hypogonadism. Depending on what you find out you might be able to fix the problem (i.e. a PCT) rather than going on TRT. Going on Test alone for a few months is just going to shut off what is left of your natural production and you are going to be screwed when you try to come off it in 12 weeks.

And x2 on the monthly shot. That is retarded.
Megatron28, explain that in a little more detail please. You are saying that if my LH or FSH is a certain level that I should treat it with a post cycle therapy (pct) first? Just trying to get an understanding
I am saying that knowing your LH and FSH will help you determine if you have primary or secondary hypogonadism -- if that is what you are suffering from. If you are primary, there may be things you can do to restart your testicles.

So before you start doing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) you need to get at what is causing your testosterone deficiency. I would do everything you can to get your natural production back if possible before going on TRT. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is great if you need it, but producing T naturally is much preferred for many reasons.

Check out your thryroid, vitamin D and prolactin too. Get a CBC and Metabolic Panel. Your doctor should be running these. If he isn't you probably need a new doctor who knows what he is doing. Telling you to do monthly injections was already one strike against him.
Thanks Megatron28, I understand now. My doc did do all of those test and they came back normal except for FSH which was 1.15. The norm for my age was 1.20 and above. Your thoughts?
don't entirely dismiss this doc though. Nothing wrong with test cyp. And if he'll write the rx and let you inject (instead of office visit) then you have a very low cost supplement to your cycle since insurance will cover what the doc writes.

I used this method to supplement my dose a little with what I'm doing with IMT :wiggle: A buck is a buck, right?!
I'm surprised he didn't explain any of this to you. Low or Normal LH and FSH indicate secondary hypogonadism. That means the problem is with your pituitary. That usually means you need to start TRT. Do yourself a favor and research primary and secondary hypogonadism. It will help you understand what is going on with your body.

A good dose to start with for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) would probably be 100-150 mg per week. After a month get a lab test again to see where your T and estradiol are at. That will tell you if you need more or less T and if you have too much estrogen. If your estradiol is too high you will need an aromatase inhibitor (e.g. arimidex).

Some guys prefer injecting twice a week instead of once a week. It might even your hormone levels out more. If you want to try that just split your dose in half and do it every 84 hours.

Also, since it sounds like you are secondary, you may want to get an MRI done to rule out a tumor in your pituitary gland.

And of course, let me remind you that I am not a doctor. You should always consult with your doctor before starting any treatment.
No, I appreciate what you just told me and no she didn't explain any of that too me. I read what you just said off line. The only thing she said was the LH level was low because my Tes was low...duh. I am getting a new doc come Monday.
I know sleep apnea gives you Low T, but it shouldn't have naything to do with the LH or FSH being low I wouldn't think. Correct me if I am wrong
Try finding a new doctor where you live or try the board sponsor IMT. Lots of guys on this board use them.

I don't think clomid is going to work for you, but it would be good to get other's opinions on that. It would increase your LH, but the side effects of clomid are not supposed to be good. It would not be a long term solution. At your age, if you are done having kids, getting on test cyp may be the best course of action.

Don't start self medicating in case your new doctor wants to run more labs. Find a doctor that you feel is knowledgeable and listens to you. Then start your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) journey. Once you start injections you will start feeling like a new man in one to four weeks.
Thanks Megatron28, you have led me in the right direction on what I should be looking for. I know you not a doctor and I am not taking your advice as such. But the information you providing me is what I needed so I can know what to ask or at least look for. Now one other question, I noticed you mentioned Test Cyp. Do you recommend that over Test Etanate? Thanks
I don't. From what I have read they are virtually the same. I have only used test cyp though and it seems to be used more commonly in the USA.

Good luck and I hope you start feeling better soon. Keep all of us posted on how you are doing.