text vs. pros


New member
im asking this question here because anything involving with pros has to do with AAS

you often hear that to lose BF, its better to do it gradually- i.e. cardio 20mins week 1-4, 40mins week 5-8, etc. as well as introducing cardio and fat burners later during the fat loss cycle.

however, pros dont do it this way, from what they post. they start out with 1-2 hours of cardio a day along with fat burners.

wouldnt the latter be better and just decrease calories as you go along?
A) show me a pro that does 2 hours of cardio. B) Pro's are in a different world than your average Body Builder......
it's very simple. You wante to lose weight, reduce input and increase output. Eat less, do more work, whether cardio or weight resitance...it's all about then end total work done over the caloric input.
PARKER27 said:
A) show me a pro that does 2 hours of cardio. B) Pro's are in a different world than your average Body Builder......

off the top of my head, priest, cutler and schlierkamp claim to do 1-2 hours of cardio
Gumaro said:
off the top of my head, priest, cutler and schlierkamp claim to do 1-2 hours of cardio
Cutler's the only one that i've heard of, but he'd said many time he'll never exceed an hour. Perahps, an hour a.m. followed by an hour p.m.
PARKER27 said:
Cutler's the only one that i've heard of, but he'd said many time he'll never exceed an hour. Perahps, an hour a.m. followed by an hour p.m.
Yes, a.m. and p.m. usually 45min each session.

To the original question: most pros know exactly how to get into shape so they just jump in and go full tilt until the show. For most it's just more practical to do it that way.