The 5x5 routine

fadi, I'll try and get all your questions

The compound exercise should get the 5x5, if you have two like flat bench and incline, go for the one you use the most weight on, so flat bench.
Only do 5x5 for one exercise for each muscle group, here are the ones I use.
Standing barbell curls
close grip bench press
military press
bench press

As for plateaus, play it by ear, but if you cant move up for 203 weeks, then its probably time to switch
I did 5*5 last night for chest, on flat bench...question, where should the muscle fatigue start to come in, i ran my fir 3 sets a345 no issues, 4th set at 345 ok, last reps a bit slower, and 5th set was slower, and a bit of struggle on last 2, but no help needed...

this is new to me since i generally run a 10(225),6(335),3(365),2(385),1(430),1(430),3(365),2(385),1(430), type routine since i train for power i guess......i finish at 430 on the above...

so i am trying to gauge where i need to be to grow...

any help?

i started the 5X5 four weeks ago maxing 145, today i was just messin around put up 140 3 times. i think its def. working. i was stuck at 145 for like 2 months now im probly past it.
needsize said:
fadi, I'll try and get all your questions

The compound exercise should get the 5x5, if you have two like flat bench and incline, go for the one you use the most weight on, so flat bench.
Only do 5x5 for one exercise for each muscle group, here are the ones I use.
Standing barbell curls
close grip bench press
military press
bench press

As for plateaus, play it by ear, but if you cant move up for 203 weeks, then its probably time to switch

thanks buddy...203 weeks??:eek: :D ;)
Yeah, NS, did I ever tell you THANK YOU for this routine??? If not consider this the thank you card.

When I started this program, I was maxing 315 on both bench and squat (had been doing smith squats, so my max on real squats had dropped from like 410 as a sr. in high school until the end of last october, when I started this)

First week, I did 225 on bench just to get a reference point on what weight I needed to start with. I got 3 sets of 5 and the last 2 sets of about 3 reps, struggling my ass off on all 5 sets. This week, I did 260, 5 sets of 5, and only struggled on the last 2 reps, total. I haven't maxed on bench, but I'm sure it's way on up there. Also, on squats, I'm working out with 325 this week, 10 pounds over my max when I started. THANKS NEEDSIZE.
needsize said:
eastarr69, generally when you start the routine, you want the first few weeks to go easy

sooo....i should run next week at the same weight then, and if they go smooth and easy with good form, jump up the following week then?

so say 5*5 @ 345 next week, if smooth and easy, say go up 5 or 10 lbs on the weight?

eastarr69 said:
sooo....i should run next week at the same weight then, and if they go smooth and easy with good form, jump up the following week then?

so say 5*5 @ 345 next week, if smooth and easy, say go up 5 or 10 lbs on the weight?


yup, sounds good, but keep the increments as small as possible, so 5lbs at a time
day 5 bis/tris
close grip bench 5x5
standing barbell curls 5x5
weighted dips 2x8-10
incline dumbell curls 2x8-10
skull crushers 2x8-10
preacher curls 2x8-10

Needsize I've tried 5x5 for chest, back, shoulders and quads, and it worked pretty well. I'm going to train on this rutine within the next few weeks and I've decided to try 5x5 also on bis and tris. However, I'm not convinced about bis and tris workout posted above. Aren't the breaks between close grip bench and weighted dips too long? (also between barbell curls and incline dumbell curls). It'll take approximately 15-20 minutes :confused:

Can it look like this?

-close grip bench 5x5
-weighted dips 2x 8-10
-skull crushers 2x 8-10
-barbell curls 5x5
-incline dumbell curls 2x 8-10
-preacher curls 2x 8-10

...or maybe other idea?
oh yeah...if i am going to cycle, and run this, should i jump more then 5 lbs on the weight a week if i can and still complete them correctly...

eastarr69 said:
oh yeah...if i am going to cycle, and run this, should i jump more then 5 lbs on the weight a week if i can and still complete them correctly...


IMO, yes you should jump a little more if you're cycling and still able to complete the lifts with proper form. Just my opinion though.
eastarr69 said:
oh yeah...if i am going to cycle, and run this, should i jump more then 5 lbs on the weight a week if i can and still complete them correctly...


it really depends on you, I am currently adding only 5lbs per week on 400+lb squats, and 500+lb deads, but I am making a new personal best every week so thats all I can handle
needsize said:
it really depends on you, I am currently adding only 5lbs per week on 400+lb squats, and 500+lb deads, but I am making a new personal best every week so thats all I can handle

I am going to switch up from my planned cycle to just run a bulk type cycle...


my strength will go up, so i am going to adjust accordingly...

thanks for the help NS..

eastarr69 said:
I am going to switch up from my planned cycle to just run a bulk type cycle...


my strength will go up, so i am going to adjust accordingly...

thanks for the help NS..


glad to help