The Best cycle for first timers and people under 21, guaranteed keepable results


Magnum Rep
After doing tons and tons of research I think I have come up with the absolute best cycle for people just starting out and even for younger people who want to dabble in a cycle early on. So many people people will tell you to take x amount of this and x amount of that. Well I am going to lay it all out so there is no more guess work for you and you don't even need to change your diet just do this cycle and keep your current diet as well.

Week 1 - 14 - 30 oz boneless skinless chicken breast - broken into 3 shots per day
Week 1 - 14 - 3 cups brown rice, can be substituted by sweet potatoes - mixed in with the chicken shots to keep the shots per day to a minimum

I know what your thinking, that's a lot of gear. I have this covered as well so for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I recommend

Week 1-14 - 1 cup of broccoli ED

Now for post cycle therapy (pct) - blah that's for losers with this cycle you need to cruise not stop

I know I am not suppose to post source names but I think the risk of being banned is worth it on this one.
I highly recommend Costco, Sobeys and Superstore - they always compete and have weekly sales on their gear so be on the lookout. Depending where you live there may even be a few UG Labs as well with great products. They are usually listed under fake names like butcher or meat market to cover up their dealings. Look around or even ask guys at the gym to point you in the right direction, just keep it on the down-low.

I really hope this helps newbies and clears up a lot of misconceptions

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the fact that all these young people want to start cycles when their diets arent even close to in check. diet is 80% of cycles, and what he said rings true for that. you see, instead of AAS, OP used food in place of gear. This is what accounts for the humor. Stop being a dick to other peoples post and have a sense of humor. you are either an immature brat or roid raging, either way chill out bro.
VERY FUNNY, thank you I needed a good laugh. But your right FOOD is the most ANABOLIC SUBSTANCE, or one of the MOST IMPORTANT ONES!
I'm glad you guys got a chuckle and to those that can't see the meaning of the post or take offense to it, then I guess maybe you fall into the category to which this post is intended.
I figured why not post something that will make people, who are tired of the my first cycle posts written by uneducated or "not ready" people, LAUGH
Every bit of this post is 100% true in its meaning and I stand behind it.

Haters will be haters and if you ain't hating on me your hating on someone else, I have wide shoulders so keep hating and leave the rest alone
Dude, I had both barrels loaded and was all ready to go blastin'. FANTASTIC post! Now only if all the folks that should read it would!
So can I order this stuff online? Does the chicken Breast need to be pured down to be able to inject it into my quad? I was thinking of a Mon/Thursday routine. I hear brown rice can be pretty harsh on your liver, and shouldnt be used for first time cycles.
So can I order this stuff online? Does the chicken Breast need to be pured down to be able to inject it into my quad? I was thinking of a Mon/Thursday routine. I hear brown rice can be pretty harsh on your liver, and shouldnt be used for first time cycles.
LOL, oh dear - don't go giving them ideas! ...I heard Zyzz injected whey protein into his nutsack for PHAT aesthetic gains yo~