The Deca


New member
Hi, my first cycle will consist of 500mg Sustanon (sust) week and 400mg deca week, I've read and found out all I need to know about the test bi-effects and I've tried to do the same with deca..but I cant find much info on deca bi-effects and what I should have in hand in case of deca progestorone just seems like everyone is talking about deca like the one super roid that dont give bi-effects...but I know it does and I would like to know a bit more about them so I know what to shop for when getting post cycle stuff.. (yeah I'll be getting clomid and nolva ;) )

What I want to know is what other sides than a bad shutdown and possibillity for bitch tits could I expect from 400mg deca weekly ?

Thanks a thousand
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Did your research that show that juicing at 19 is to young. Bro wait at least 4 more years 5-6 would be even better. You hormones are at the highest they'll ever be in life, so take advantage of them, don't shut them down.

You body is not done growing or developing so don't juice it can screw up the process. With consequences you'll pay for in your 30's or 40's.

Here what happens, you may put on 40-50lbs, but after that you'll have to do mad doses to make gains and add other drugs to make more gains. Where if you wait and add those 40-50lbs naturally, then juice. You'll be able to make gains above those 40-50lbs with a first cycle, less drugs.

JohnnyB said:
Did your research that show that juicing at 19 is to young. Bro wait at least 4 more years 5-6 would be even better. You hormones are at the highest they'll ever be in life, so take advantage of them, don't shut them down.

You body is not done growing or developing so don't juice it can screw up the process. With consequences you'll pay for in your 30's or 40's.

Here what happens, you may put on 40-50lbs, but after that you'll have to do mad doses to make gains and add other drugs to make more gains. Where if you wait and add those 40-50lbs naturally, then juice. You'll be able to make gains above those 40-50lbs with a first cycle, less drugs.


Great advice !!

.....and on top of that, those two drugs stacked do not make an ideal first cycle, plus you are looking at close to a gram a week, way too much juice.
I would cut the doses to 250mg of test/300mg of deca. I have seen many get great results using this stack as a first cycle. As far as sides from deca go, get some bromocriptin or dostinex.
The guys are right about waiting a few years but you probably are gonna do it anyway so if you do:

the Sustanon (sust) at 250-500mg/week for 10weeks I would do 250 if I were you forget about the deca make sure you have nolvadex on hand in case gyno appears and do some searches here for you post cycle therapy which would probably consist of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid
I agree on waiting well beyond 19 but IMO the cycle is not too heavy, even for a first cycle.

The main reason that people often stack deca with test is that deca does not readily aromatize into estrogen like test does. It also does relieve painful joints if that is an issue for you. However, deca is about half as powerful as test on a mg. for mg. basis.