I've run into some friends who are anti-bodybuilding weightlifting. They are asking me to prove everything with peer-reviewed work etc. Apparently, the only reason I've gotten this far is because of restricted calories and nothing more. There seems to be a lack of appreciation for the dedication, motivation, will power and pure awesomeness that was the adventure of my first year into this rough journey. Guess who's no longer on my Christmas card list. Disappointing...but I guess it was bound to happen.
OK so my weight went up a tiny bit this week. My measurements went down a tiny bit this week, too. Not sure what to think.
Whatever you do, do NOT use Splenda Brown Sugar. Yes, it tastes like brown sugar and yes, it is calorie free...but it also does not cook well (since there is no actual molasses in it).
I wanted to let you know I am started to get back into action, so our challenge is resumed - PREPARE TO FIGHT HARD OR BE DOMINATED!!!
Bring it on man!!
I have no Splenda in Japan so that's OK. Not sure what there is here as far as brown sugar period.
Had some random guy at the gym stop me and ask me how much weight I've dropped. He said it had been 4 months since he was in the gym and apparently in those 4 months I've dropped a considerable amount in his eyes. Thinking back 4 months, I don't think I've dropped a whole lot but maybe I've been trading a bit of fat for muscle??
Today is low carb day (100 grams) and that means I'm going to bed early so that I can wake up early and eat those oats!!