The Difficult Road Ahead : 3J Client : I just need Possible

First day in the gym yesterday. I had so much energy even though I had a massive headache most of the day (And few days before). Awesome pump that lasted too. I didn't get 25 minutes of cardio in though. Not sure if it was because I went in later in the day or if it was because I was worried I wouldn't get to the grocery store before closing (I ran out of chicken and eggs).

Not sure if others are the same but when I'm out of the gym for an extended period of time (When an illness is NOT the issue) I start to get sick, headaches, body aches. Not sure why. One gym rat said it was because there was a lack of fluids being pushed through the joints etc around the body. Not sure how true that is. BUT today (Back day) I feel like my chest and triceps are dead. Serious DOMS but it's all good. DOMS are OK in the arms and chest. I just don't like them in the back and legs.

My stomach is back to normal. I'll be keeping a close eye on any food that may have caused me those troubles. Time to train...and get that 25 minutes of cardio in. I hate cardio...
I hit back today. It was OK but I don't seem to get a good pump with back. I always leave feeling like I could hit it harder. Not sure why.

I got through my cardio. I still hate cardio. Watching Youtube makes things go by faster, reading is a bit hard but doable if it's easy stuff. I need some new music though, my playlist sucks.

My gut feels like it's bigger. I know I wasn't good over New Years with diet but I feel gross.
Well, I didn't get a very good sleep last night. 4 hours. Then it was off to work for an early shift. After a couple of hours I was off to the gym to hit shoulders and traps.

I love the 3J routine, especially for shoulders. I always walk away from my shoulder day with an inability to wash my hair in the shower (I can't seem to raise my arms above my head afterwards). Got through my cardio and had some gas left in the furnace but went home. Got a quick nap in and feeling refreshed. About to do some work at home.

I've been eating more egg whites recently. I wish I had access to the egg whites you can buy in cartons in the U.S/Canada. Cracking open 10-12 eggs takes time and I'm always a bit worried of getting the yolk in. And when it does break in, I sit there with a spoon trying to get it all out. But it's nice to have instead of or along side chicken.

I got myself banned from another forum run by dylan gemelli. Was asking questions about SARMs. They told me whatever I had was not really a SARM because it wasn't in liquid form. I asked for more science behind that. dylan gemelli chimed in and made a comparison to raw testosterone powder etc. Apples and oranges IMO, so I asked for a better example, wanting to learn. Instead the thread was delete and my IP was banned. I tried contacting the admin to see if it was a rule I broke. No answer. Oh well...
It's been an not so great week.

Diet is on point, but then I have these beginning of year business dinners and that's when everything goes out the window. I've dropped carbs and fats during the day in order to mitigate as much as possible but I can feel myself being less healthy. Tomorrow is the last of those dinners. Then I'm clear for a good 6 months.
Saw my doctor today. I had a test done a couple months ago to see if I could come off the CPAP. He says he wants me to stay on it a while longer. I'm not 100 percent sure what they numbers meant, I started off with 37.9 and that dropped to 12.2. He said anything under 10 and they would no longer consider it sleep apnea. He says it's 100 percent the weightloss. Drop another 10 to 20 kgs and he thinks I'll be off it. I'll re-do the test in June. In the meantime, I do find myself going to bed WITHOUT the mask on and only putting it on when needed.

Diet this week. I messed up once: I forgot to add my olive oil to my meals on the low carb day. I knew I missed something. I started eating lesson cabbage and more broccoli. Man, broccoli gets a bad rap because that stuff is good.

Training this week. I didn't do all my cardio Tuesday. I had the choice of cutting my training short to do cardio or doing a full training session. I hate cardio, guess what I picked. I got called into work earlier than expected and I was training in the morning. If I had gotten that call an hour earlier I would've moved my training session to the evening. I did some extra cardio Saturday on my off day to make up for least I think that's making up for it.

GW has made doing cardio easier. It's not anymore fun, it's just easier. I don't feel as tired. I usually mess around on Youtube watching all the fitness guys and gals do their stuff (Some of it is just funny, the comments section is hilarious). By the time I get done with a couple of videos I'm almost done cardio. I've got the bike set to max resistance and I'm peddling hard but not getting winded. My heart rate also doesn't go above 130bpm. I still sweat like a mofo though.

Post-workout I usually hit the sauna for 15 minutes. I have no idea if that's doing me any good. I always see it as a way to lose water weight, even if only for a few minutes/hours. Feels good in the winter though. I have no heating in my place except for an electric blanket and a small oil heater that never gets turned on.

Weigh in is tomorrow...hoping I dropped some of that winter weight.
I've run into some friends who are anti-bodybuilding weightlifting. They are asking me to prove everything with peer-reviewed work etc. Apparently, the only reason I've gotten this far is because of restricted calories and nothing more. There seems to be a lack of appreciation for the dedication, motivation, will power and pure awesomeness that was the adventure of my first year into this rough journey. Guess who's no longer on my Christmas card list. Disappointing...but I guess it was bound to happen.
I've run into some friends who are anti-bodybuilding weightlifting. They are asking me to prove everything with peer-reviewed work etc. Apparently, the only reason I've gotten this far is because of restricted calories and nothing more. There seems to be a lack of appreciation for the dedication, motivation, will power and pure awesomeness that was the adventure of my first year into this rough journey. Guess who's no longer on my Christmas card list. Disappointing...but I guess it was bound to happen.

There is plenty of research that shows that resistance training not only burns calories while you are working out but also continues to raise your metabolism for about the next 24 hours. While cardio only burns calories while working out. I like to do a timed and fast paced resistance routine because then you are doing both resistance and cardio at the same time. Saves time and the rewards are AWESOME. For example, do a set for about 1 minute and rest between sets for 1 minute. Staying on this kind of pace can be tough especially at first but you burn a lot more calories this way as well. But you may have to work up to it. I know you are on special diet and training program but this is just something to keep in mind for the future.

Also, about the sauna; I thought really the benefit from a sauna was to open your pores and sweat letting out the toxic impurities in your skin/body? Since you said that you sweat a ton while working out, that may be more than sufficient. You can become dehydrated and you don't really want to do that because that's not healthy. Drink plenty of pure water. 1/2 oz per pound of body weight is a good rule of thumb. This flushes out the toxins and impurities in all the cells in your body. Personally, I even filter out fluoride from my water. Losing water weight is mostly what people lose when they go on a short term weight loss diet. What you are doing is long term weight loss that you want to maintain. Those short term weight losers are usually on a roller coaster all their lives and they don't really understand that all those pounds they are losing is mostly water.

My 2 cents. Keep up the good work.
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It's tax season in Japan...that adds stress to stress. Time to get those receipts out and see how much I owe the government for not doing their job.

Wasn't on target with nutrition this weekend. Fell short of my calories, was way too tired by the time I got home from work. That and the olive oil from my containers decided to spill out onto my bag. Stupid containers. Not sure how much oil I actually got in. I guess as long as I'm not OVER-indulging right? I should probably be making a shake or something instead of posting this. I just don't think it will sit well in my stomach as I go to sleep. Hopefully a good nights rest and a morning of carbs (Oats) will get things going again.
Even street level logic says if you work out you will burn more calories than if you sit on your butt watching TV, and everyone knows burning more calories with the same intake level (and in a deficit) means you will lose more weight.

Anyone who says otherwise is beings stupid on purpose.
OK so my weight went up a tiny bit this week. My measurements went down a tiny bit this week, too. Not sure what to think.

Stress has been a problem so cortisol levels are probably higher than normal. I've also spent a ton of time in the punching bag room just getting rid of the stress via boxing the crap out of the bags. I do it until the endorphines really kick in and I start to feel a bit 'normal'.

Hopefully stress will drop and the weight will continue to drop as well.
Alright, so diet and training were on point this week. I was using white potatoes but I switched back to brown rice. Gotta say, brown rice sure does a good job at keeping me regular.

Broccoli is way too pricey right now so I've switched up my greens from that to lettuce/cabbage and that's a nice change as well.

I had some serious stress going on but some of it has subsided so hopefully when I weigh in the cortisol will not have affected weight that much.

Tomorrow is leg day. I've got a partially torn meniscus in my left knee (Since last year) but have managed to work my legs up to a decent weight on presses without any pain and there's now zero pain with extensions or curls. I doubt that it's healed but it's nice knowing I can go in and kill legs. Not so nice a few days later, but that's a different story.
OK so my weight went up a tiny bit this week. My measurements went down a tiny bit this week, too. Not sure what to think.

I would say you lost fat and gained muscle. Since muscle weights more than fat, it takes up less round for the same poundage. Using completely made up numbers, you could lose 1 pound of fat and 1/2 inch in measurements while gaining 2 pounds of fat and 1/4 inch of measurements. You would gain a pound and lose 1/4 inch. You would also look and feel better. :)
Alright, so I lost weight, almost 3.8 kilograms. Mostly water weight from the MK I was on.

I started taking a water weight supplement that should help keep things under control. While I missed my target goal for February 14th, I've moved it ahead to February 29th.

For some of my meal preps I'm going to start using my slow cooker and shred my chicken for some nice chicken salads and chicken rice with beans.
Alright, so today I had the odd day off. I went to the gym and hit back. Finished things up with cardio. I have all my meals prepped so all I have to do is go home and eat, get some paper work done, eat some more and sleep. On my way home I decided to take step into the international store where they have all sorts of goodies you don't normal find at Japanese supermarkets. I came <---this close---> to buying some brownie mix and beer. I stared at that box for a while and at the variety of beer in the the beer section.

BUT I walked out with a zero calorie (Meaning zero alcohol) beer and called it a day. Now I'm finishing up my chicken and broccoli with some brown rice. Thawing some more chicken for tomorrow. Can't wait for the technology to be here that can make zero calorie brownies.
Whatever you do, do NOT use Splenda Brown Sugar. Yes, it tastes like brown sugar and yes, it is calorie free...but it also does not cook well (since there is no actual molasses in it).

I wanted to let you know I am started to get back into action, so our challenge is resumed - PREPARE TO FIGHT HARD OR BE DOMINATED!!!
Whatever you do, do NOT use Splenda Brown Sugar. Yes, it tastes like brown sugar and yes, it is calorie free...but it also does not cook well (since there is no actual molasses in it).

I wanted to let you know I am started to get back into action, so our challenge is resumed - PREPARE TO FIGHT HARD OR BE DOMINATED!!!

Bring it on man!!

I have no Splenda in Japan so that's OK. Not sure what there is here as far as brown sugar period.

Had some random guy at the gym stop me and ask me how much weight I've dropped. He said it had been 4 months since he was in the gym and apparently in those 4 months I've dropped a considerable amount in his eyes. Thinking back 4 months, I don't think I've dropped a whole lot but maybe I've been trading a bit of fat for muscle??

Today is low carb day (100 grams) and that means I'm going to bed early so that I can wake up early and eat those oats!!
Bring it on man!!

I have no Splenda in Japan so that's OK. Not sure what there is here as far as brown sugar period.

Had some random guy at the gym stop me and ask me how much weight I've dropped. He said it had been 4 months since he was in the gym and apparently in those 4 months I've dropped a considerable amount in his eyes. Thinking back 4 months, I don't think I've dropped a whole lot but maybe I've been trading a bit of fat for muscle??

Today is low carb day (100 grams) and that means I'm going to bed early so that I can wake up early and eat those oats!!

More like redefining yourself, if others can notice it and give you props, your good to go then, stay the course.