The E2 balance Solution.....


Mr. Micropenis
So here is latest bloods.
Testosterone, Serum 926 348-1197 ng/dL 01
Comment: Comment 01
Adult male reference interval is based on a population of lean males
up to 40 years old.
Estradiol 30.7 7.6-42.6 pg/mL 01
Roche ECLIA methodology
FSH, Serum
1 of 2
FSH 3.5 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL 01
Luteinizing Hormone(LH), S
LH 2.4 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL 01
Prolactin 3.8 LOW 4.0-15.2 ng/mL

I know the prolactin is showing up low but I believe that is from the amount of masturbation I was doing before the blood test. (Basically trying to diagnose my E2 level by dick function) I was right about it being high.
I am trying to figure out the best way to lower it without going too low. It was high from taking 50mg clomid everyday before my last doc appointment. (came back with 32 e2 and about 1100 TT at that test: approximately a month ago) So I started doing 50mg eod. I have arimidex from the pharmacy. I have taken .5mg two days in a row.
How much arimidex should I add? When should I get my next blood test? Lets take this bro science to the next level
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Just to confirm
- you're taking no AI right now?
- you stopped taking clomid - how recently, one month ago?
- e2 is ~31 (range 8-43) but you would like to lower it some more?

My concern with adex (and I'm assuming endogenous test) is that you're trying to make adjustments with a sledgehammer...0.5mg will be too much obviously and even .25 may be too much as bigboss said

If I had to guess, I'd say maybe .25mg adex twice a week tops
I am on self prescribed clomid restart. I am currently taking clomid every other day. Because I have been experiencing anxiety insomnia and low libido etc symptoms of high e I got the lab test on Friday. Took .5 adex Sunday and .5 Monday. Got lab results on Monday

So arimidex just inhibits the enzyme aromatase as far as I understand. So your body metabolizing and using the estrogen is what actually lowers it and is a process over a couple days
That showed it does lower estrogen. Snow was just pointing out maybe start with a lower dose as .5mg would be lower estrogen a lot. The sledgehammer comment was about the higher doses possibly being to much but it's your choice I'd you want to take that dose or not.
I think sledgehammer is to powerful of a word. Especially after reading this study.
Estrogen suppression in males: metaboli... - PubMed Mobile - NCBI

If your still on clomid your antagonizing the ER at the hypothalamus. Meaning your brain won't sense the drop in estradiol and produce more. The feedback loop is already inhibited, so you won't get any test increase outside of what little does not aromatize anymore.

Your e2's really not that high, if your only looking to lower it a bit more try 50-100mg zinc daily... No need to use an AI if you can get away with it IMO.

Otherwise you might consider dropping the clomid and going with AI monotherapy instead? Might take a bit of bloodwork to dial it in though.
I am on self prescribed clomid restart. I am currently taking clomid every other day. Because I have been experiencing anxiety insomnia and low libido etc symptoms of high e I got the lab test on Friday. Took .5 adex Sunday and .5 Monday. Got lab results on Monday

So arimidex just inhibits the enzyme aromatase as far as I understand. So your body metabolizing and using the estrogen is what actually lowers it and is a process over a couple days

You are taking only clomid ? Are you trying for a restart or you take clomid for a bridge?
If your still on clomid your antagonizing the ER at the hypothalamus. Meaning your brain won't sense the drop in estradiol and produce more. The feedback loop is already inhibited, so you won't get any test increase outside of what little does not aromatize anymore.

Your e2's really not that high, if your only looking to lower it a bit more try 50-100mg zinc daily... No need to use an AI if you can get away with it IMO.

Otherwise you might consider dropping the clomid and going with AI monotherapy instead? Might take a bit of bloodwork to dial it in though.

You could aslo try DIM