the long goal to 220


new to the game
ok well as of now i here are my stats

height: 5'11"
weight: 192 with nothing to eat
bf: guessing between 12-15%


weight: 210
bf: 8-10%

im currently eating really clean

for protein: chicken tuna eggs and cottage cheese and shakes

carbs: white potatoes sweet potatoes brown rice

my workout is currently the 5/3/1 program but im thinking of changing to the fst-7 program. 3 days a week is killing me. here are my starting pics. disappointing to me i feel i look better in person :( more definition at least
Is this a log? Are you natty or do you have gear experience? 20 is kinda young to have much under your belt I'm just curious. Are you running anything now? I didn't notice any ?s. Also you mention 3 days a week is killing you... I don't know the program you mentioned but I hope it's killing you bc it's too little! I'd say 4-5 is ideal regardless of your training program
sorry i was not very detailed. im natty as of now with no gear experience. im going to run gear when i hit 200 natty then do a 12 week cycle of test e 500mg a week. i have done my research and on pct and everything so i dont want anyone to think im just another ignorant kid. i also have my buddy hogman who is going to help me through it. oh i meat the 3 day a week program is killing me mentally cuz im used to being there 6 times a week for 2-3 hours at a time :insane:
sounds like you were over-training before. You should focus on gaining or cutting but not both at the same time, especially being natural. You should eat like a mofo and bulk, then cut in the Spring IMO. Hogman will turn you into a chubby chaser in no time.
Not to bum you out but you have another 3 years of Great natural Growth in you. you don't need steroids. You need to learn how to eat and how to train. go to a 5 on 2 off and you don't need to eat clean eat every thing in sight.

Focus on your chest, shoulders, and Tri's.

THat's what you really want to get bigger. 1 primary muscle group a day.
true. most 20 year olds do have a few more natural years of great natural growth. Keep building up your base before you mess with drugs
yeah i respect your concerns.... im eating so clean cuz i put on alot of fat fairly quickly i want lean gains for the gear i have low natty test for my age and my growth plates are closed so i believe i am g2g... ok here is another question on my first cycle of test i i know im going to retain some water so what do you reccomend to drop all that. i wanted to do Winstrol (winny) but was advised to stick with just the test. what do you guys think
hit chest and tries today this is what it looked like


incline dumbbell press 4x8-10
incline dumbbell flys 3x8-10
flat barbell press 3x5-10
peck deck 7x8-12 (30-45sec rest)


close grip bench 4x8-10
dip machine 3x8-10
sitting overhead dumbbell extensions 3x8-10
skull crushers 7x8-12 (30-45 sec rest)


rope crunch 3x15-20
side crunches3x10-15

was really stoked i hit 90's on incline dumbbell press for 9 reps no assist. a personal record for me. hoping to rep 115's by the end of my first cycle
this is pretty much what my diet consists of. this or i have 1 or 2 more meals
meal 1

5 eggs whole, small glass of oj and some whole wheat toast and a banana

meal 2

protein shake

meal 3

chicken breast with 1/2 cup or so of brown rice

meal 4

large can of tuna with some sweet potato fries made with olive oil

meal 5

chicken breast with brown rice
desert cottage cheese with fresh black and raspberries and pineapple

meal 6

protein shake
yesterday i hit back and calves


close grip pulldowns 4x12-15

1 arm dumbbell row 3x8-12

tbar row 3x8-12

dead lift 4x8-10 & SLDL 2x8-10

hammer stergth row 7x8-12


led press raise 4x8-12

standing calf raise 4x8-12

seated calf raise 7x8-12

then today i hit shoulders and biceps


seated dumbbell press 4x8-12

barbell front raises 4x8-12

dumbbell lateral raise 3x8-12

lateral machine raise 7x8-12

rear delts

dumbbell rear lateral raise 4x12-15

reverse peck deck 7x12-15


alternating dumbbell curls 4x8-12

ez bar curls 4x8-12

machine preacher curls 7x8-12

it was a really good workout workout and i am really liking fst-7 program i get AMAZING pumps on the 7 set exercises... well see how it goes