the mood altering effects of AAS?


New member
i'm about to start my first cycle, dbol and deca, and i was wondering if you guys could tell me something about the mood altering effects of AAS.
i don't mean the media-hyped(and according to my observations of guys on) false statements about aggression and rage.
just wondering if it makes you "feel good" having this stuff swimming in the bloodstream.

would really appreciate all comments.
I dont feel much different except when using fina, but if anything my anxiety improves on the stuff.

Roid rage fallacy

Several reports of mental status changes associated with AASs have been published. These include acute paranoia,[32] delirium,[33] mania or hypomania,[34,35] and homicidal rage.[36,37] Studies comparing Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) users to nonusing weight lifter controls have found significantly more episodes of depression, anxiety, hostility, paranoia, and aggression in users of AAS.[38, 39] One study comparing Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) users on vs off AASs reported a higher rate of aggressive feelings, verbal aggression, and aggression toward objects, but not physical aggression toward people, while on the agents. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) users have also been observed to have a significantly greater rate of personality psychopathology compared with community controls.[40,41] As none of these studies are randomized, causality is difficult to establish in the association of AASs and psychiatric changes, including aggression and hypomania.
At least 5 studies have administered supraphysiologic doses of testosterone in a placebo-controlled design to psychiatrically "normal" subjects.[42-46] Overall, these studies indicate that the majority of normal individuals will not experience psychiatric changes with testosterone doses up to 500-600 mg/week. However, this response is not uniform and individual patients will experience marked affective changes, particularly as the dose increases beyond 500 mg/week. Furthermore, the majority of real-world Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) abusers will use doses greater than the equivalent of 500 mg of testosterone. Patients with underlying psychopathology (eg, antisocial personality disorder) or a general predisposition toward anger are probably more likely to experience an increase in angry or aggressive behavior. This relationship is important because these individuals are probably more likely to use anabolic steroids illicitly, compared with "healthy, psychologically normal men."

The potential for addiction to the AASs has been investigated. In interviews with 49 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) users, at least 1 DSM-III-R symptom of dependence was reported by 94% of the sample, while 3 or more symptoms were reported by 57% of the sample.[47] The authors concluded that AASs were addictive and suggested that dissatisfaction with body size and increases in size and strength obtained with AASs may lead to patterns of dependent use.
The only thing that ever made me get high tempered was EQ if you can believe that. Tren, test, everything else I'm fine. I'm not one that believes in roid rage but there were specific instances where I was getting PISSED where I had no reason to.
Im in a good mood most of the time, but have been set off very easily latly, Im on test, eq and dbol. I went off the handle without even realizing it yesterday and when I sat down and thought about it I was like damn that was stupid, cause im usally a very mello person. But i chewed out my poor girlfriend for a stupid reason then shoved some kid out of my way as I was leaving and still bitching at her.

I feel like a dumb ass for doing that I know its a mental thing but it got the best of me
i'm on fina/prop now---

i was at the gym and the first part of my workout included using the smith machine--so this russian skinny dude
was using it--i waited for him to stop, than he went over to do some
situps--i moved his chair out of the way, i kinda knew he was still using it, but i said "Fuck it"---i hate it when people go back and forth using up both machines--especially when i have seen them at the same gym over a few years and not gain a pound----any whoo--

so i move his chair and he says "im still on it" --well i just flip--
i say--NO YOUR fucking NOT- He says--i still have 2 more set-- i say
what are you doing now?--he says --sits ups, I say---so are you
using this??--hes there speechless--and this hot chick was just staring
probably think im a dick--

so i realise im being a dick and throw his chair back a few feet from the smith machine--

im there and i realise--i was complete dick--so i go over and apologize

than i say to myself--its the fina---than i say----naaaaw,

Im a dick all the time :40oz:
You shouldn't have any mood swings with what you're using. You'll have the female hormones offsetting the male with test/deca.

mvmaxx Eq will do that especially if used alone.
the only thin that gave me a mood swing was a bad case of Asthma
while on a cycle of sust 250
other than that i wish i could stay on a cycle
I gotta say it gives me a better feeling than general. Also, it seems harder to get depressed or stressed out about things that normally stress the shit outta me.
yqa i agree with all of u i feel much happier and in hight spirits while im on a cycle. its like nothing can really bring me down i feel like i am on top of the world.
Im generally in a good mood but I do have mood swings a lot lately. BUt after a little while I calm down and feel great again. Today for instance I was having a great day and when I got to the gym for whatever reason I got pissed. Then my friend goes to do cleans next to this guy who is doing leg press and he tells him to move. I almost kicked the guy in the head, if he doesnt like it then move, he wasnt even that close. Then I continued to workout and got some good sets in. Mood goes right back up.
I am prone to becoming extremely upset over nothing while on deca. There were some instances where I have even lashed out at some people, could have been coincidence that I was on deca both the times, or that it just so happened I came across a bad situation at both times. Who knows. Just my .02