The power of weightlifting over the human mind


New member
I have been lifting weights since I was in my early teens, it was just a past time back then. Now I am 24 years old and have had many life changing experiences ie. PTSD from combat, an acquired drug addiction from extreme stress and bad friends, a sort of inferiority complex from god knows where... But the thing is I now lift weights to keep the horrible feelings away from combat related stress since the meds they gave me where way to strong and made me feel worse. It helps me to not feel the need to use body damaging drugs. It also helps me to feel like I may be better than others deep inside myself since I lift weights and take care of my body.

I just wanted to share this cuz I recently got sick as shit and lost about 10 pounds and looked in the mirror and felt horrible about myself and thought about this and wanted to share. Thanks for reading.