The purpose of BB


I am banned!
I understand BA's purpose entirely and I also am aware of the fact that typically a ratio of 1:3 Ba:BB is used. Fine!

I want to know WHAT the purpose of BB is.

Does it make the gear less painful?

Does it thin the oil out?

Why NOT Use it if it's all positives?

If it helps "suspend" why is it NOT necessary to use with all products?

Please elaborate for my newbie kitchen Chemistry ass :cool:
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some hormones require more than 10% solvent. ba i s fine up to 10% or so. after that bb is used to get desired solvent ratio. ba is absorbed quickly in the human body while bb takes abit longer. neither have an unpleasant odor or flavor for IM. normally if 20% is required 5% ba and 15% bb works well. BA seems to be a better solvent but as mentioned earlier % of solvent comes into play. there are several other solvents but from economic stand point these two are about as cheap as you get. ba is water soluable while bb is insoluable in water.

there is a lot of info on the web concerning these two, do a google search and read for hours.
To me, BB allows me to suspend powders while minimizing the use of BA. Less BA generally means less pain. I prefer to keep BA well under 10% if I can.
i agree with ya trev on this one.

i was looking on the web at some BB info and found an intresting recipe for cyp used by a large manufacturer. it was for 1ml but i'll post it as 100ml to be easier to read.

200mg/ml cyp. 100ml final solution contains 20g cyp powder. 20ml bb. 4 ml ba as a preservative and 56ml cottonsed oil.

this will be very close to 100ml final solution. i use a graduated beaker so i dont have to calculate/guess the amount of oil.

as all of you know cyp is soluable in vegetable oil and sometimes it will hold with no solvent and sometimes it locks up with plenty of solvent. fickle stuff this cyp. i like cyp over enan because it has a longer half life and its easier to mess with. i think next time i'll try this recipe (not the cotton seed oil though) and see how it does. course i wont make it 200mg/ml either, 400 sounds much better. lol0lololol

CHEMO: ""BA is benzyl alcohol and is the most commonly used bacteriostatic agent for injectable preparation. It is also a solvent for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) compounds due to it's ring structure.

BB is a commonly used co-solvent and is mainly used in injectrable preparation of aromatic ester compounds such as the cypionates. It has limited value for branch chain esters such as propionates but it will increase the solvating power of any matrix in the 5-10% range.""


RJB: ""Benzyl alcohol(ba) is primarily a strerilizing agent, but it is also necessary to keep the horomone suspended in oil without crashing. Crashing is when the horomone crystalizes in the oil, making it unable to be injected. It is the tinner of the two. It is best used at the 5 to 10% range. Some slight discomfort may be experienced at 10% and above
Benzyl benzoate is the second most common solvent used. It is best used with a low percentage of ba. It isn't nearly as strong a sterilizing agent as ba. It is also much thicker. It is best used for transporting the horomone. It will allow the horomone to stay at the injection site longer because it has less water soluability. Bb can be used in higher percentages than ba(15 to 20% range) without uncomfort.
The to compounds are best used together, especially when making a high mg/ml compound. They allow enough solvent to break down the horomone and keep it suspended without the pain of using high concentrations of ba alone. A common ratio of the two together would be 2 to 3% ba with 8 to 12% bb, give or take some depending on your preferences and how much gear your brewing.""
RJB is misguided. ba is not used prmarily as a sterilizing agent. It is used as a preservative. the first guy had it right when he said it is used as a bacteriostatic agent.

most hormones are not suspended but rather are a solution. big difference. also even if a hormone crashes it is very doable after heating til it goes back to solution.

BB is not a sterilizing agent at all.

and again some high mg concentrations require no solvent. higher concentration gear requires no more solvent than lower concentrations on the same hormone. you would never go with high concentrations with a suspension. the amount of gear you are processing has nothing to do with % or solvent used. BB is insoluable in water. this guy is making stuff up now. Please delete this post before someone reads this and agrees with this guy.

BB has a wide range of uses, however acting as a solvent for oily solutions is a very small part of its uses, very small
I'll leave then up for discussion........I think you did a NICE job clearing it up ;)

I put it up b/c I read it on another board and it pretty much threw everything I had JUST LEARNED for a spin :confused: Makes me feel better that his info IS in fact incorrect.
good idea.

next someone in another thread will want to ask about bb. lolololol

i was a member on another board for about three days one time. the main guy on the board was trying to tell me that i had to use BA as a sterlizing agent. after i corrected him he attached me, so i posted validated data and asked him what he thought of it. he said it was interesting and had read that before. then he asked me if i read spanish?

he is trying to get out of it now by changing the topic to make himself look smart. i said if you have read this stuff why do you continue to post your garbage? he was a member of A's board til they kicked him off for being stupid. now this guy is postig stuff like the above poster and someone is going to get a bad infection sooner or later because most people are too lazy too study for themselves.

if nothing else this post may wake up a few folks so they will hit the books. I doubt it though. people would rather you do the reseach and then tell them. course when you do that they want to argue with you. lolololkolol0ol amazing.
i agree with you on the research problem. too bad im not like that. i spend hours researching about AAS, esters, solvents and the like. im sooo effing facinated. great thread now im going to go research BA :)
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pullinbig, you are completely wrong about BB, i use it for the shingles.. topically of course! duh!! whos dumb enough to use this stuff for any other reason? and stop talking about BA as a preservative, its totally mouthwash dude!
so has anyone tried Ancient Age bourbon whiskey, shit tasted just like Jack Daniels but half the cost... i love it!

prolly reason for my previous post!
grafix-gnc said:
pullinbig, you are completely wrong about BB, i use it for the shingles.. topically of course! duh!! whos dumb enough to use this stuff for any other reason? and stop talking about BA as a preservative, its totally mouthwash dude!

what?........ youy been drinking. i am appauled. jes when you think you know a guy.

you know BB is most effective for treating shingles if applied anally or orally. I would be glad to help with adminstation if you'd like. NO really i dont mind. it is the least i can do, esp since you drunk. if you like i can wait til you pass out then administer proper dosages.

my mouth wash has methanol in it. a far better killer of those pesky little bacterias that plague us on a daily basis.

How does it work?

Benzyl benzoate is one of the older preparations used to treat scabies.

Scabies is a skin infection caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei. It is characterised by severe itching (particularly at night), red spots, and may lead to a secondary infection. Benzyl benzoate is lethal to this mite and so is useful in the treatment of scabies. It is also used to treat lice infestation of the head and body.

Benzyl benzoate is not the treatment of choice for scabies due to its irritant properties. that sounds like fun too. after i treat you for shingles then i rub BB all over you just to irritate you skin a bit more. then i pour BA in you mouth to get the taste of my applicator out of you mouth. we are going to have fun tonight. night night prince charming. you got a 300lb tested up to the max date tonight. oh boy what fun we goinna have. tra la la la la i'll put on my snappy latex gloves to boot.
bb makes me sick proof one batch prop 10%bb 5%ba fever chills pain,next batch 3.5%bb 3.5%ba i feel greaaaat!.
pullinbig said:
he is trying to get out of it now by changing the topic to make himself look smart. i said if you have read this stuff why do you continue to post your garbage? he was a member of A's board til they kicked him off for being stupid. now this guy is postig stuff like the above poster and someone is going to get a bad infection sooner or later because most people are too lazy too study for themselves.

So how do you *really* feel about this guy, lmao.

I would like to make a comment though on the studying...there are only so many hours in the day, and many have jobs or school, or other things that tend to get in the way. I think that is one of the biggest reasons for boards like this to exist, so you don't have to re-invent the wheel everytime.

I think you should study enough to a point, but if your eyes start glazing over but you understand the basics, why not read what somebody else has discovered and use that?
if everyone posted correct data that would work tex baby. lolololol. unfortunately guys like the above poster lurk in the darkness of these boards. I am not saying spend hours a day but rather if you have a question do a google search on the topic then if you like post the data on the board. if its validated then its legit for the most part. some of the guys on here post some great stuff and i always look for thier posts. there are a few though that........well i'll leave it at that.

but... if you gonna inject hormones into you body (the only body you have) please educate you selves on the possible outcomes of not practicing GMP (good manufactoring practices). hell the info is posted on here now but many are too lazy to even read the posts here or use the search button. how many times you seen the same question get asked over and over in the samne week? lolololololol.

i see you point my big texan, hope you see mine.
pullinbig said:

i see you point my big texan, hope you see mine.

I totally agree. If you don't have at least a base of knowledge, you won't be able to tell if what is posted is b.s. or not.