The Truth about nicotine


Not sure if this is the right forum,but here's the question thats probably been asked a thousand times. Does nicotine really hinder muscle building? this is more related to dipping and chewing tobacco. I know its not good period, but will it really affect my gains??
I have never heard of it hindering gains. I don't have any scientific research to back this up but I'd say other than the cancer risks you are fine. I chew on a regular basis, it's a bad habit that I should quit but it really helps me not freak out on people at work lol
Nicotine signals the pancreas to stun the release of insulin, so therefore muscle building can be effected by this, how ever fat loss can be accelerated by this
well i know it speeds up the heart rate. I also know it takes a toll on cardio(especially in smokers). However, i have heard of pro body builders that smoke and are huge but get winded easily. Just needed to know if there was a direct link between it and actuall muscle building. Unless it suppress's blood flow, i dont see how it would be affected