Think I am still having issues with gyno!


New member
I am currently deployed to the middle east and I haven't lost one pound for the past 2 months! Well I will back up two months ago, right before my deployment I was on a test-prop and tren-A cycle...It started off great, but at the end I blew up to 290 from a nice 260..WTF my nipples became really sensitive and had little balls behind them. I had to deploy 2 days after I started to notice these sides... I'm still at 280, and I do a hour of cardio twice a day on the elliptical trainer and burn 1800 cals a day total. My diet is clean, all I drink is water but I am retaining most of it. My fingers a swollen and i just feel like shit! My question is about post cycle therapy (pct), I have read and read but it isn't clicking for me. Should I just take it for 4 weeks, or do I need to combine it with something else? I am not a rocket scientist when it come to all this and my best friend that was the rocket scientist in the subject died a months before i deployed....Please help me straight myself out!
Sup bro.

Pct lasts 4 weeks so I would use:

Clomid @ 50mg ED for 4 weeks
Nolva @ 40mg ED for 2 weeks, then @20mg ED for 2 more weeks ( a total of 4 weeks, 40 1st two and 20 last two)

So clomid and nolva starts and stops at the same time. You just adjust the nolva half way through pct.

Also you can try letrozole if your having gyno issues. It's a bitch on your body but it seems to work for most peeps.
You should try Proviron. It is one of my favourites and I use it with Nolvadex as I find the two do work better together. Proivron is an oral androgenic steroid which is commonly used as an estrogen antagonist. Once in the blood it actually takes on the estrogen at the receptor sites and can greatly reduce the aromatizing effect and water retention. It can greatly increase the hardness of the physique in the right conditions. It is best used at around 2-3 tablets a day (25mg). I prefer the dose of 20mg of Nolva and 50mg of Proviron for a basic intake. Proviron will increase sex drive while not hinder the recovery of your natural secretion of testosterone.