Thinking about a Dbol oral cycle


New member

Before I start I know I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for this choice but I want to make it clear that injectables are not completely out of the question. I would prefer not to do them as I have no experience with needles and don't know anybody who has with steroids and had family members have had problems with needles which has sort of put me off. But if I was to do injectables it would be either test or deca (although I have heard that growth hormone is good? I am unsure on that one, as I haven't done much research on it). If you are going to advise me on taking injectables I would much appreciate it if you could suggest a cycle that would be good for me. In a ideal world I would be looking to get lean muscle instead of water weight so am probably going to do a cutting cycle of either winny or anavar once I have got to the size I am happy with.

I am 21 years old
Height:5ft 10
Weight: 123lbs (still very skinny)
Calorie intake: 3000 to 4000 daily

I have been lifting now for roughly 2 years and I have had gains since I started but not great (as you can see from my weight) my goal is to be about 170 to 180lbs (obviously not from one cycle) but that is where I would like to eventually be and hopefully stay around there roughly. I'm not mind set on taking steroids as I would much prefer to do naturally but i don't seem to be getting anywhere. I do have a very fast metabolism which my dietician has told me and has been struggling to get me to gain weight as well.

But with the dbol oral cycle I am looking at:
Duration : 7 weeks
Dosage: 50 or 60 mg daily
Milk thistle: 2 x 1000mg tabs daily
Cod liver oil: 2 x 1000mg tabs daily
PCT: nolvadex 50mg daily, start day after my last dosage.

I believe I have added everything that is needed to be known but if you want more information just ask and will be happy to give it if you are willing to help so Any advice, additions, alterations to help me would be much appreciated.
21 yo , 5ft 10 and 123 lbs :OOO , 123 lbs , really skinny dude!
I won't give you cycle advice cause i never did any yet , but if i was you , i would just do a natural bulk , eat 6000 calories/day
Your 21 finish natural you dont need AAS you dont wanna try this till about 25 and FYI oral only cycles wont do anything for you they go best with test as you wont put any weight on and milk thistle doesnt do much for you you need to do much more reading but keep at training maybe visit the diet page and get help from 3J he can help you bulk through diet alone more worth it to stay natty buddy but keep up your training.
Yeah I know I'm really skinny that's why it has crossed my mind to try steroids. It's not that easy to intake so many calories as I am struggling with 4000 at the moment hence why I intake 3 to 4000.

And no I would rather do it naturally 100% but even my dietitian is struggling to get me to gain weight. And with the research I have done I thought milk thistle would help on the liver as oral are very liver toxic? And about seeing the diet page I will have a look and see what can be done but I don't see what they can do that a dietitian couldn't? And cheers
Yeah I know I'm really skinny that's why it has crossed my mind to try steroids. It's not that easy to intake so many calories as I am struggling with 4000 at the moment hence why I intake 3 to 4000.

And no I would rather do it naturally 100% but even my dietitian is struggling to get me to gain weight. And with the research I have done I thought milk thistle would help on the liver as oral are very liver toxic? And about seeing the diet page I will have a look and see what can be done but I don't see what they can do that a dietitian couldn't? And cheers

You are better off spending your money hiring a real nutritionist (think 3J here) or honestly, like others have said. you need to EAT, EAT, TRAIN and Eat some more. You are not ready for any kind of cycle, oral or pin (and don't do orals, nothing for you there)

Learning how to train and eat properly will get you to 90% of your goals.
Yeah I know I'm really skinny that's why it has crossed my mind to try steroids. It's not that easy to intake so many calories as I am struggling with 4000 at the moment hence why I intake 3 to 4000.

And no I would rather do it naturally 100% but even my dietitian is struggling to get me to gain weight. And with the research I have done I thought milk thistle would help on the liver as oral are very liver toxic? And about seeing the diet page I will have a look and see what can be done but I don't see what they can do that a dietitian couldn't? And cheers

3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level. He helps guys get bigger maybe he can help you good luck buddy!
Ok I can see the pattern of replies now I guess that I will need to start fresh as these last couple of years haven't worked so there must be something wrong. Cheers for the advice and actually surprised nobody started ripping into me about it which I see a lot on other posts
Ok I can see the pattern of replies now I guess that I will need to start fresh as these last couple of years haven't worked so there must be something wrong. Cheers for the advice and actually surprised nobody started ripping into me about it which I see a lot on other posts

Give it time ;) :baby:
Haha yeah it wouldn't surprise me to be honest but least I got the information I needed before they start ranting on and change the subject like always
At 21 your natural test is running rampant in your body, you need to eat properly to maximize this natural potential you have.
At 120lbs I can guarantee you are no where near 4000 calories, I am still gaining weight at 4700 cals and I weigh 213lbs. I dont care what kind of metabolism you have it is literally not possible. Take the money you planned to buy the DBOL with and hire 3J for 3 months and I guarantee if you follow his diet you will probably be real close to your goal weight naturally.

There is no need for anyone to rip into you, you are just making a mistake and we are pointing you in the right decision and you appear to be listening so no need to be harsh with you.
I know that me eating between 3000 and 4000 calories and weighing that much is hard to believe but I have been eating that amount for a while now and both my parents had very fast metabolisms when they was my age. I find it so frustrating that I can eat and eat and nothing comes on I am very active and I have been told this plays a bit part in why I need so many calories but I think I will be hiring 3J and see how it goes. I'm not someone who expects gains instantly as that will never happen but even if it was just a slight gain would be great as long as I know it's in the right direction and cause I will listen because I know there are so many people with 10x more experience and knowledge than me and I have asked for advice so it would defeat the object of me asking for advice if I don't listen
Haha charming lol see today already I have eaten 2000 calories -.-

good, keep eating; you will eventually bust that plateau.. and hiring 3J is a good idea, you will learn a lot about nutrition.. having some1 on your side that push you is a great motivation
Thanks well I have noticed with all the research I have done that a lot of the people that want advice on steroids never end up taking it because they all think they are right but if they was right and knew what they was going on about why would they be asking for the advice or help. This is a learning curb to me as this is my first ever post on any website so I will take all the advice I can get and increase my knowledge about it all
And yeah I think professional help will be the way forward thanks a lot could of saved me from ruining my body in the long run
and just to remind you that all gains for dbol and most cycles will be lost especially if your having trouble gaining weight at your weight

i completely relate to you, i was 19 when i did my first cycle... and i've cycled on and off since then im 25 - for the last year and a half i've been on Testosterone Replacement Therapy because as a result of me using gear.. i ended up shutting my natural test levels down to a range that no 25yr old should have (mid 200s) and suffered tons of side effects..

and now im going to be on this stuff for the rest of my life... so this decision your about to make can change your life for good... soo i just wanted to explain to you that you may think it's a great idea and that your gonna get girls and look great quick because of the gear... but there really is side effects to this shit that can mess your whole life up lol
OP, you see all of these replies and EVERYONE who has experience on this board says the same thing. IT would be VERY irresponsible of any Vet here to give you ANY advice on an AAS cycle since you are only 21. You hear that now.

I was what they might call a hard gainer but I over came it with calories and training. Now I don't recommend this per say, But this is what I did back in my days. I drank three to four milk shakes a day. Of course they had a protein supplement in them and ice cream and peanut butter. But I drank them after or in between meals. I never got fat because of my metabolism. The other thing I did was to carry a small cooler w/ a sandwich, milk or shake and I ate every 2 or at least 2-1/2 hours. I did this no matter where I was.

Keep in mind I was training like a beast with an experienced BB. It was a three on one off routine and extremely demanding.

Now as people have said a good nutritionist, with BB knowledge should be working with you. Take a look at what 3J does on here. See if you can get w/him or someone in the same field. Good luck...
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