Thinking about adding insulin to the cycle...any advice?


I'm just on a Test E 500mg a week
.5 mg of Armidex EOD
My diet is on point.
Always hear guys talking about using insulin post workout.
Someone throw me a bone here, I've been on the fence about it.
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I'm 25
I'm 5,11
I've done about 4 cycles that only included test, tren, Dbol
I only know what I've read about insulin in one of the stickies.
He makes it seem like it's not that dangerous but seems to me it would be extremely dangerous for the none diabetic
I'm a type 1 diabetic and have coached others locally to me and the gym I train in on the use of insulin post workout and even used 3-4 times a day by non-diabetics and not one has had any issues its all about timing and awareness.

As a rule people who I have coached start with a low dose once per day post workout with their post workout shake with added carbs like oats etc, the dose to start is usually 4iu and they carry this for 3 days and if there are no issues such as hypoglycemia then its fine to begin upping the dose by 2iu E3D, I find a lot of people have a threshold of typially around 10-16iu per dose and this threshold is found when within the insulins working period (the one i use is strict 3 hours) symptoms of hypoglycemia become present the 1st noticed is slight shaking and maybe sweating a lot and this is easily cured with an intake of fast acting carbs (dextrose tabs are great for this). Once this threshold is discovered reduce the dose of insulin back by 2iu and that would be your comfortable level and always make sure that during the insulins working period you are minimally active as activity increases the insulins effect on your blood glucose levels. And ALWAYS carry a BLOOD GLUOSE MONITOR these an be bought from most pharmacies.
The only effect on your pancreas is simply a shut down of your insulin producing cells and of course this is why a rapid acting insulin such as humulog or my personal favourite apidra is best for a non diabetic rather than something like lantus or humulin as lantus and humulin are long ating insulins with working times of upto 24 hours causing a long shut down whih increases the risks of developing type 2 diabetes but it isn't a great risk but a risk not worth taking, whereas the humulog and apidra are much more fast acting and are used to compensate for the carbs/sugar ingested with meals that last a typically short time with apidra starting to take effect in 5 mins and being fully burned through in 3 hours with a peak time of 1-2 hours greatly reducing the risks of developing any type of diabetes for someone who is not diabetic. While i cant tell you where you can get hold of insulin i can tell you that there are a great number of diabetics in the world and your probably not too far away from one. If you decide to go down this path feel free to ask me anything and i am sure there are plenty of members with experience of using insulin and there should be plenty of input and advice available for you here.
interesting that you say this^ long lasting insulin is usually preached as being the one that non diabetic users should try. (Becase its easier to control blood sugar)

Now you peel the onion back and it looks as if short acting is better because of long term effects on the pancreas.

not that it really matters, cause i will never use slin. Im just not that serious about this bbing stuff.
imo as a diabetic i do not see how long acting would work better for controlling glucose in a non diabetic as your not gonna get the force feed action so much and would still see better benefit from a short acting but thats just my opinion but that opinion is based on results and trials with friends and gym collegues :)
I'm a type 1 diabetic and have coached others locally to me and the gym I train in on the use of insulin post workout and even used 3-4 times a day by non-diabetics and not one has had any issues its all about timing and awareness.

As a rule people who I have coached start with a low dose once per day post workout with their post workout shake with added carbs like oats etc, the dose to start is usually 4iu and they carry this for 3 days and if there are no issues such as hypoglycemia then its fine to begin upping the dose by 2iu E3D, I find a lot of people have a threshold of typially around 10-16iu per dose and this threshold is found when within the insulins working period (the one i use is strict 3 hours) symptoms of hypoglycemia become present the 1st noticed is slight shaking and maybe sweating a lot and this is easily cured with an intake of fast acting carbs (dextrose tabs are great for this). Once this threshold is discovered reduce the dose of insulin back by 2iu and that would be your comfortable level and always make sure that during the insulins working period you are minimally active as activity increases the insulins effect on your blood glucose levels. And ALWAYS carry a BLOOD GLUOSE MONITOR these an be bought from most pharmacies.

I like that you're trying to help others in being safe, but I'm really shocked that you're giving an actual dose. EVERY diabetic should know that it's about carbs consumed that dictate insulin taken - ESPECIALLY with fast acting formulations like Humalog.

Endogenous production isn't suppressed by the way. Unless you're hypoglycemic, which is the exception - but that's by design, and a very good thing.

OP: I think you have some more experimenting to go with AAS before you start playing with insulin. While it's something that can be predictable, it still can be an unnecessary risk for those that don't have goals necessitating its use.

My .02c :)
I like that you're trying to help others in being safe, but I'm really shocked that you're giving an actual dose. EVERY diabetic should know that it's about carbs consumed that dictate insulin taken - ESPECIALLY with fast acting formulations like Humalog.

I did mention with added carbs in post workout shake along with the slin ;) and mentioned if the op was to venture down this route full advice could be given like ratios of 10g carbs to 1iu slin (example only) my main point was the general ins and outs. My mentioning of dose was simply there as an example of experience and also to make people think about just banging in a silly amount as i have seen someone do before and got them a stay in hospital for a day or so too. As usual halfwit your bang on and I always like to see your .02c :)
I like that you're trying to help others in being safe, but I'm really shocked that you're giving an actual dose. EVERY diabetic should know that it's about carbs consumed that dictate insulin taken - ESPECIALLY with fast acting formulations like Humalog.

I did mention with added carbs in post workout shake along with the slin ;) and mentioned if the op was to venture down this route full advice could be given like ratios of 10g carbs to 1iu slin (example only) my main point was the general ins and outs. My mentioning of dose was simply there as an example of experience and also to make people think about just banging in a silly amount as i have seen someone do before and got them a stay in hospital for a day or so too. As usual halfwit your bang on and I always like to see your .02c :)

It's all good man, I just get twitchy about insulin. I didn't feel you were giving bad advice per se, just was a little worried about lurkers going to CVS and thinking they had enough information to get things going.

No disrespect intended at all. :)