Thinking about cruising, need to pick everyone's brain about it


New member
Looking for information on cruising instead of doing a pct. The information that I've come across isn't cut and dry so I'm curious as to what you guys think about cruising and at what dosages do you typically cruise with.
Personally I think it's about where you are in your life! Age? I personally have always came off... time on equals time off! If you are still a young buck and have good natural levels then I would say come off! It's going to be better for your health...wallet ect.... I'm 33 and just got my pre cycle bloods back and my test serum is 230....fuck I did not think it would be that low but I knew eventually the day would come for me! Lucky for me I have a doc that treats many bodybuilder and is for trt so I'm not two concerned but then again I now am going to be a prisoner to the needle for life! The reason I say age is because I see way tto many of these young kids running it18 19 years old and they have not even began to live..... shit you got health kids if you want them bills and all kinds of other shit oh and steroids.... I'm done ranting lol
Stars age training and cycle history ?
Do a pct and get your blood work done so we can provide you with more Accurate advice
Start at the sticky threads.
Too often people come on here & post a question that can be found in the sticky threads.
Much to learn there!! Most guys take a good year to injest all the info that is on here, and even then most are still learning (we are all different & respond to compounds differently).
Time to add a new favorite in your internet tabs!!