Thinking of throwing Anavar 30mg ED into my cycle... read below


New member
Current Cycle (my third cycle):

-Test 600mg (300mg 2x/week)
-Trenabol 250 (EOD) leads to:
Tren-E 300mg (per week)
Tren-A 200mg (per week)

I am coming off a motor-vehicle accident where I lost a lot of weight and since getting on this cycle I have blown up. With my diet (which is clean except for a meal or two a week I cheat eating out with friends) my lifts are still going through the roof, especially my lower body.

I am came into some quality Anavar this past week and started cardio today (I will be running a 5k 3x a week on top of my current lifting, doing yoga 1x per week for flexibility, and playing soccer 1x a week). I was thinking about throwing in 30mg of Anavar ED for 6-8 weeks and just going beastmode on some cutting. I am the point now where I don't really want to get too much bigger and want to cut down. I am 5'9", 200lbs at approximately 12% bodyfat. Any thoughts on if the Anavar will be worth it?
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Current Cycle (my third cycle):

-Test 600mg (300mg 2x/week)
-Trenabol 250 (EOD) leads to:
Tren-E 300mg (per week)
Tren-A 200mg (per week)

I am coming off a motor-vehicle accident where I lost a lot of weight and since getting on this cycle I have blown up. With my diet (which is clean except for a meal or two a week I cheat eating out with friends) my lifts are still going through the roof, especially my lower body.

I am came into some quality Anavar this past week and started cardio today (I will be running a 5k 3x a week on top of my current lifting, doing yoga 1x per week for flexibility, and playing soccer 1x a week). I was thinking about throwing in 30mg of Anavar ED for 6-8 weeks and just going beastmode on some cutting. I am the point now where I don't really want to get too much bigger and want to cut down. I am 5'9", 200lbs at approximately 12% bodyfat. Any thoughts on if the Anavar will be worth it?

Started cardio and yoga last Saturday with another day of Cardio on Sunday. Continuing cardio on Wednesday and taking 15mg of Anavar every 12 hours. I will keep you posted on results!
Go 60 a day, 30 is too low for a man. Do 30 in the morning and 30 at night. Better to run 4 or 5 weeks and do it right
Go 60 a day, 30 is too low for a man. Do 30 in the morning and 30 at night. Better to run 4 or 5 weeks and do it right

Any thoughts on kicking it up to 45mg a day to finish off the next week and a half? (so two weeks at 45mg) After that do another four weeks at 60mg?

I am considering budget to continue my diet and other portion of stack until I can do 60mg ED or would you recommend I discontinue for the next week and a half considering I can only do 45mg ED until week 3.
Well I have been going ahead and doing the 45mg of Anavar ED (15mg spaced out 3x a day) until the end of next week where I will bump it to 60mg. In the last two days I have noticed that is giving me an extra boost like dbol would - I'll let you guys know how the cardio factors in to this equation with my goals.
45mg of Anavar a day is producing great cutting results - still on the Trenabol and Test-E - I'll put up pictures when I end my tren. Maintaining strength while cutting out the water and fat.