Current Cycle (my third cycle):
-Test 600mg (300mg 2x/week)
-Trenabol 250 (EOD) leads to:
Tren-E 300mg (per week)
Tren-A 200mg (per week)
I am coming off a motor-vehicle accident where I lost a lot of weight and since getting on this cycle I have blown up. With my diet (which is clean except for a meal or two a week I cheat eating out with friends) my lifts are still going through the roof, especially my lower body.
I am came into some quality Anavar this past week and started cardio today (I will be running a 5k 3x a week on top of my current lifting, doing yoga 1x per week for flexibility, and playing soccer 1x a week). I was thinking about throwing in 30mg of Anavar ED for 6-8 weeks and just going beastmode on some cutting. I am the point now where I don't really want to get too much bigger and want to cut down. I am 5'9", 200lbs at approximately 12% bodyfat. Any thoughts on if the Anavar will be worth it?
-Test 600mg (300mg 2x/week)
-Trenabol 250 (EOD) leads to:
Tren-E 300mg (per week)
Tren-A 200mg (per week)
I am coming off a motor-vehicle accident where I lost a lot of weight and since getting on this cycle I have blown up. With my diet (which is clean except for a meal or two a week I cheat eating out with friends) my lifts are still going through the roof, especially my lower body.
I am came into some quality Anavar this past week and started cardio today (I will be running a 5k 3x a week on top of my current lifting, doing yoga 1x per week for flexibility, and playing soccer 1x a week). I was thinking about throwing in 30mg of Anavar ED for 6-8 weeks and just going beastmode on some cutting. I am the point now where I don't really want to get too much bigger and want to cut down. I am 5'9", 200lbs at approximately 12% bodyfat. Any thoughts on if the Anavar will be worth it?
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