this is crazy.. need opinions


New member
So i met up with a friend today who i know has been juicin since 17, hes 21 now and he told me to start with test e and dbol when i know im only starting with test prop (dont tell me not too, i already made my decision and the done the research).. he has no side effects, says he doesnt cycle off and doesnt even take a post cycle therapy (pct) :/ Yet hes really big and used to be really skinny, has ZERO acne no hair loss nothing.. WTF is happening hes defying every law
gear affects everyone differently, he is maybe an exception to the rule but i guarantee he is messing up his endocrine system and will suffer for it in his later years
Yeah everybody's different. And like Shawn said, I'm sure he'll have plenty of side effects later on in life even though he hasn't had any YET. 17 is way way too young for gear. Hell 21 is too young for gear. I wouldnt go with what your friend says or does. Do research and listen to the Sr guys on here bro. I promise they know alot more about it and much safer ways to cycle then your friend does.
this is the stupidest thing you could every do. Your friend is going to have a shitty fuckin life here in a matter of years. His endocrine system is already fucked if he hasnt came off or pct'd. Hes not going to be able to get a hard on and he will most likely be depressed alot and thats just the tip of the iceburg. Do not listen to this kid because its painfully obvious he has no fuckin clue what he is doing.

My advice to you if you want to lead a healthy life, DONT USE STEROIDS UNTIL YOUR ATLEAST 24!
im not listening to him, i was just confused as to how he had no side effects :/, and its ok im running them just a 500 mg test prop with clomid,
Or wait till your 32. But been around it since I was 18.all my bros that did it in there early years have safe and smart about it .wait till you feel you really NEED it. Just my 2cents. I'm really glad I waited.
im not listening to him, i was just confused as to how he had no side effects :/, and its ok im running them just a 500 mg test prop with clomid,

Bro you say you did research but im calling bullshit. If you did research then you would know that your hormones are not leveled out right now...they are like a rollercoaster. Now you want to throw in extra hormones which will fuck them up some more. It doesnt matter if its just test your doing. Its gonna shut you down. Also if you researched you would know that at your age your test levels are high enough to gain naturally. Your hormones wont level out until about 24 or 25. Im just touching on some key points here. Just cause you post cycle therapy (pct) doesnt mean your going to recover. Read the "am I ready for gear checklist" sticky
Bad idea. Blast and cruise is for guys 35-40. He will pay for this later in life. Especially if he is running dbol non stop at an affective dose. He may be big, but do not mistake big for healthy. I think it is the goal of everyone on this board to pursue SAFE aas use and this is clearly abuse. Alot of these guys are doing self administered testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and that is fine, but they are experience and running a low dose in between cycles. Safely is always the best way, you have until you die to get big!
Well if your not gonna take these guys advice you should get all the pussy u need now for the rest of your life then buy stock in viagra so u can make a profit off of yourself later in life because when you can't get a hard on and your wife is banging every swinging dick in town because you can't tap that ass'll be taking anything u can to try to get it up.
just remeber that you were warned ...just my 2 cents
The side effect you don't see of your friend running gear all the time besides the endocrine system, is that his hematocrit/hemoglobin/rbc's will slowly continue to get higher and higher and he will have a heart attack or blood clot or stroke if he's not careful and getting blood work. This can happen on blast and cruise also and it's not a side you would notice.
They tell u all of that and you respond with a question that has nothing to do with aas? Wtf is wrong with u stop with the dumb shit and at least have the common sense to research the advice they have given you ..stop being a smartass makes some friends here and in a few years they can help you get the most out of gear when your body is ready ...!