This is My First Cycle.. look


New member
Age 19
Height 6,3
Weight 163
Body fat around 8-12

Mass gainer
flax seed
multi vitamin
Saw palmetto

day1 chest
day2 back/Shoulders
day3 arms
then then repeat that with legs twice a week

Cycle Test e and tren e what are you ideas on dosage a week?

Flat bench 285
Decline 285
Incline 225
Flat Bench Dumbells 85s
incline 75s
curl bar 95 10 reps,8,7
sit down military press for shoulders 90 bar no problem
View attachment 562847 Me currently about 2 weeks ago 163lbs 6,2 6,3 height working consistently for about 8 months not missing a day at the gym minimum of 2 hours a day usually i do 3 im very dedicated and ready for the next level
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i would give it a few more years before your first cycle mate, most people will recommend your at least 25, i was 22 when i did my first cycle of test 500mg a week and made excellent gains and kept a large amount of it.
doing tren for your first cycle is also a bad idea you'll make good gains of the test alone, find out how one compound effects your body then wait for your next cycle to add another.
if i was you i would wait a few year and study every aspect of steroids including AI's and PCT, i didn't need to ask any questions on dosage, training or diet because i already knew from years of studying steroids before i even fort about actually doing them
You just need food! Lots of food! No amount of gear will help you gain weight. You gotta fucking eat bud!
mate you're less than 80kgs and 6'3!!!!

you need to eat heaps. You aren't even close to your genetic potential. Steroids won't help you if your diet is shit.
mate you're less than 80kgs and 6'3!!!!

you need to eat heaps. You aren't even close to your genetic potential. Steroids won't help you if your diet is shit.

i feel like i dont gain shit ive been stuck at 163 for a few weeks i get stronger just no weight gain
Hire a diet coach like 3j. You won't gain if you dont eat right. Plain and simple...

hes right.. you havn't been able to grow without the use of gear.. do you really think youll grow with the use of it??

anabolics are not a magic pill.. they do not defy the laws of physics..

youre wasting your time, money,damaging your hormones, and risking trt for what??

i can put 2lbs a week naturally on you.. why would you do anabolics??

Im sure youre looking at the title of this article and wondering what the heck is going on. No, this is not an anti-steroid article. This article is more like a reality check for those trying to get into the aesthetic hormone game. Furthermore, its not an original article since I have written multiple articles covering the same topic over the years. Since my inception on multiple forums as a leading figure head in nutrition and training I have made it a top priority to emphasize the necessity of nutrition over everything else. Let me explain…

This is a steroid forum, that’s a fact. In a perfect world, people would come to this forum to gain the knowledge they needed to hear. Do you understand what I mean by “gaining the knowledge you need to hear?” There is a big difference between what you want to learn and what you need to learn. Some forums out there have become cesspools for validation. It is my strong opinion and embedded in my principles that we, as vets of the forum, have a duty and obligation to give out good advice. There are a bunch of people out there looking for information on how to run a cycle “properly.” What they are really looking for is validation for what they are about to do. The term “educate before you medicate” is something that I hold close to my heart. I cant tell you how many countless times I have seen people who are not ready for the use of anabolics hop on a poorly planned cycle, with a poorly planned nutrition and training program, and poor undeveloped stats looking for the magic pill effect. All they want to hear is “hey you just do this and this an youre good to go.” I find poor advice given out like that to be blasphemous. Youre giving the person a reason to do harm to themselves and end up with nothing to show for it.

What is the magic pill effect? It’s the characteristically and psychologically flawed human condition known as instant gratification; I want what I want, I don’t want to work hard for it, and I want it now. Unhappy with our current aesthetics, thanks mainly to the unrealistic expectations that the mass media pressures upon each and every single one of us, we look for the fastest and easiest way to meet the criteria of a hard body. I mean, who wouldn’t want that? You mean to say all I have to do is take this pill and inject myself a few times a week and ill look like the guy on the cover of muscle and fitness? Of course anyone would want that! But that’s not the case. Youre not going to look like a fitness model with steroids alone. There is no “magic pill.” Im sorry I have to be the one to burst your bubble but those people you strive to become with such haste didn’t do it the way youre planning on doing it. They worked hard for the body that they earned. Earned, not given nor handed to but earned. You want the hard body? You have to put in the work. No one gets that hard body overnight or over one cycle when their stats are disproportionate.

The truth is there is a lot that goes into getting the body you want. The most important aspect of getting your body is not in a magic pill but in the kitchen! We have this whole thing ass backwards. People think they can just go to the gym and work their ass off to get the body they want. In reality, you cant out train a bad diet. I am a firm believer that when all other things are equal 80% of your progress comes from your diet. That means the majority of your efforts should be in the kitchen. So you want to cycle? Youre going to have to meet a list pre-requisites. Age, weight, height, training history, current body fat, nutrition, and your level of education on anabolics will all determine your justified/unjustified use of anabolics. There is a reason why the vets are out there giving you a hard time about wanting to do your first cycle at 18, wanting to do an oral only cycle, wanting to do a cycle when you haven’t touched weights ever/in a long time, or wanting to do a cycle when your bodyfat is at 30% (or anything over 15% realistically). There is cold hard fact behind their reasoning, they aren’t telling you no just to spite you!

So before you pop that bottle open and chew pills or fill that syringe up and inject yourself, ask yourself are you ready? Have you done enough research? Have you proven to yourself that youre committed by developing yourself to your natural potential with a kick ass nutrition and training program over the years? If you haven’t, then stop chasing the magic pill down the rabbit hole and look yourself in the mirror.

Good luck to all of you in your goals

If interested in personalized diet and training routines please contact me at to become a client.
Dude seriously I dont advise messing with this shit until youre at least 22. I was 19 when I first did it because I had similar issues. I was 6'4 and 175 pounds. Gaining weight takes so much time at our height. especially when youre that low of weight to begin with. Do your research on workouts and diet first. this stuff totally messed up my libido, I lost my sex drive, would have trouble getting it up and thats not to mention the moodiness and depression that came with low testosterone afterwards. Took nearly 3 years to reset my body back to a comfortable state. Do you really want to risk that like I did? Wanna know how hard it is trying to explain to a chick why your dick doesn't stay up? lol..

Honestly learn to workout properly and eat properly. You can put on up to 5 pounds a month if you are really smart about it. Write down your workouts, make sure you're lifting one or two more reps each workout, or add 5 pounds each workout. Plan your diet, make sure you're eating your desired body weight in grams of protein every day (ie. if you want to be 190 pounds, then eat 190 grams of protein in a day). If you cant do this on your own then you are wasting your time trying roids. don't listen towhat your friends say because if you dont already know the basics to working out, then you are only going to get fat when you take steroids and you'll come out of it feeling like much less of a man than ever.

If you want a good workout to start out a baseline, I guarantee you put on 15 pounds if you do this workout and actually stick to a good diet like these other guys on here are giving you. Anyways this is the workout I used and I'm now 220 at 6'4 and 23 years old. Doesn't take long to put on weight naturally.