This orange juice flavored whey is fuckin nectar!

Suareezay said:
1. you get what you pay for
2. back when i used to buy my protein from GNC, i was paying $45 for 2lbs of ON concentrate.
So now I can get 10 lbs of ON for ~$50. Does that mean that ON whey was worth 5 times more previously than it is now?
mranak said:
So now I can get 10 lbs of ON for ~$50. Does that mean that ON whey was worth 5 times more previously than it is now?
no it just means that youre getting a good deal online, and that the retail price of ON (or any other consumer product) comes with a substantial markup.
Double3 said:
So I'm guessing that if someone uses the code in your sig you get some kinda kickback? You gotta get something cause everyone who uses TP has a code in their sig.
Double3 - You get 5% off. If you want, use Suareezay code. It was a way for TP to see who has referred who.

As for sweetener, if you get a premium or BSL flavour they can't sweetened. If you accidently ordered some with a sweetener, they will leave it out with the BSL and premium flavour.

As for packaging. I get mine in the bags. I have a million old protein jugs at home that I could dump the TP protein into
Monstar said:
Trevdog, if you buy the Whey Protein Isolate Cold-Filtration + the NEW Premium Orange Juice Indulgence is there anything else you put in it?
Plus do you change any of the percent to mixes?

If I were you guys I wouldn't play around with too many of the mixes. Some of the powder taste REALLY REALLY bad and you should only use them in limited amounts.

If you are not too sure what you want, Email them and tell them your situation and what you are looking for in a protein. Either Dante (Doggcrapp), Doug, or Carl will answer your Email and point you in the right direction.

My opinion: If you don't know exactly what you want, a good isolate will go a long way - Cold Filtration!
Easto said:
If I were you guys I wouldn't play around with too many of the mixes. Some of the powder taste REALLY REALLY bad and you should only use them in limited amounts.

If you are not too sure what you want, Email them and tell them your situation and what you are looking for in a protein. Either Dante (Doggcrapp), Doug, or Carl will answer your Email and point you in the right direction.

My opinion: If you don't know exactly what you want, a good isolate will go a long way - Cold Filtration!
Interesting. The "DC's Protein Formula" premix, which is really just 100% ion-exchange:

..says "...dante is pretty much ruled by taste." That makes me think that he thinks the ion-exchange tastes better, but you said the opposite.

So many damn options from trueprotein :)
So for $4.79, TP offers BSL flavor packs that will flavor 10-15 lbs of protein.

When buying the protein, it is $0.75/lb to get the BSL flavor added to the mix.

Based on this, it seems that it is best to buy the BSL flavor pack seperate.

Am I reading the information wrong?

Since I like my shakes sweet and I love sucralose, I'd be tempted to get the protein plain with sucralose/Spenda and get the BSL flavor pack seperate.
Mranak don't do it..thats how i initially purchased my protien powder..plain and bought the BSL choco to mix my self...
1st its messy
2nd you never know how much to use when you mix it...
i ended up running out of BSL b4 i ran out of protien...and plain protien sucks!

just get it mixed...
Mranak I have used the flavour packs and I couldn't get the taste right. But every time I have them add the flavour for me, it is perfect.

If you are not sure what flavour to get, order a couple lbs with different flavours in each. If you stick with the BSL or Premium flavours you won't find a "bad" flavour. You may like one over the other, but they will all be good enough to drink. You'll just know better for the next time not to order that flavour again.

I have used the Choclate, Straw, and Vanilla flavours from BSL. They are all really good, but the choco and straw are better than the vanilla IMO
mranak said:
Interesting. The "DC's Protein Formula" premix, which is really just 100% ion-exchange:

..says "...dante is pretty much ruled by taste." That makes me think that he thinks the ion-exchange tastes better, but you said the opposite.

So many damn options from trueprotein :)

It is good. It tastes good. I just found there was an after taste. It wasn't a bad after taste and it only lasted like 2 secs.

I found the Cold-Filtration had ZERO.

IMO the Ion-Exchange and and the Cold-Filttration are pretty close to the same thing (note, I said pretty close). I went with the Cold-Filtration cuz it is a bit cheaper. Once I used it, I liked it.

FYI, if you guys want some more opinions on TP check out: <--- Chad Nichols board

Loaded with veterans and pro BBers most of which use TP.
Stick with BSL, or the premium flavours and you will be happy.

The other standard flavours are ok, but nowhere near as good as the other stuff.
Monstar said:
Trevdog, if you buy the Whey Protein Isolate Cold-Filtration + the NEW Premium Orange Juice Indulgence is there anything else you put in it?
Plus do you change any of the percent to mixes?

Sorry for the delay.

No, there is nothing else to put in it. I just get it in the bags and pour it from that into used jugs from other stuff I bought a long time ago.

I have put together my own custom mixes, but didn't think they were better than the stuff TP puts together.

These days I use a ton of the whey around workouts. I also use the teamskip blend during the day. Before bed, I use a scoop of calcium caseinate with a scoop of teamskip.