those of you that have had good results...


avi changes as i do
On cycle what works for you, high intensity low volume workouts or high volume high intensity??
high intensity high volume i am doing 2 a day training 1to 1.15 hr per session gained 26 lbs in 8 weeks only 4 more weeks to go ;)
Doesn't High intensity high volume sounds like a recipe for over training?

Is over training possible while on cycle?
4x10-12 at 150% intensity at 3-5 exercises. That's what I'm doing each day with one body part per day - working great for me. I honestly feel that if you're not pushing yourself almost to tears because of the pain and inability to go further, you're doing it wrong. (Knowing the difference between joint/ligament/tendon pain of course.)
Which approach would be better?

1) Keeping the weight lighter and doing another set/reps?

2) Upping the weight and run the risk of stressing joints and tendons?

Whilst on cycle one would not know his/her strength at the time. So is going for another set a better idea?

Keep in mind the effort still needs to be there ie, red face, seeing stars, no pussy shit, a real effort.
Which approach would be better?

1) Keeping the weight lighter and doing another set/reps?

2) Upping the weight and run the risk of stressing joints and tendons?

Whilst on cycle one would not know his/her strength at the time. So is going for another set a better idea?

Keep in mind the effort still needs to be there ie, red face, seeing stars, no pussy shit, a real effort.

Both run the risk of damaging ligaments and tendons since its not just intensity that can injure but total workload also. The question is basically whether intensity or volume should be sacrificed but you can keep both if you are smart about it. Personally on my first cycle and while my lifts aren't anything to drool over, I have been adding 2.5-5lbs on every lift on every workout (minus a few platues here and there but I've busted through all of them). So while my itensity is high I keep volume at 3 sets of 5 reps for my core lifts. Risk of injury in weightlifting is often times exaggerated and in reality it's one of the SAFEST sports out there. I say pick a program or one of your own and stick with it but always strive to accomplish more than the time before. Once you get up in the weights you'll have to think about periodization, active recovery days, overreaching, etc (this assumes strength is number one priority like it is for me). If hypertrophy is number one priority than you can sacrifice some intensity to get a higher volume workload, key word SOME. AAS will def help in recovery and make overtraining more difficult to reach but not impossible. Diet is just as crucial to a losing overtraining as rest is that's why it's easier to feel like shit and overtrain on a cut vs a bulk.
I've been going high rep stuff lately, just pumping as much blood into the muscle as I can and breaking it down. For a long time I was doing very heavy on everything and it really starts to catch up to pain all the time and shit. I feel healthier doing it this way. Only thing I still like to go heavy on is bench and DB press. I guess I just can't get away from it lol.
I hit it hard for 3hrs a nite. There's days I'm crawling in but ill say that meeting and breaking goals will push me every day. Iv had no problem with over training. Keep proper form and stay smart and I think u should b able to work at 150% like halfwit said all the time.
I would say age has a lot to do with training as well. Seems like the day I turned 30, certain joints dumped their load.

I'm still young but, I notice my one knee is starting to act up and my right wrist.. and shoulder, but that's from knife work at work.
hahah obviously i agree that german is looking great.... im with everyone else, extreme heavy weights for long periods just damages your joints ligaments and tendons, i like to cycle heavy low rep with high set/rep and every 8-12 weeks take a whole week of except while on cycle, while on cycle your body is just hungry to grow so feed it!