Thoughts on "canned" cycles.


New member
Hey guys! Been kicking this around now, finished my first cycle, & surprise surprise, I'm ready to go again.
Did pct, time off, bloodwork, etc....but I'm wondering about these canned cycles.
For example, here is an example for a "Rapid Mass" canned cycle from a popular vendor:

3 vials Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml 10ml/vilal
3 vials Nandrolone Decaonate 250mg/ml 10ml/vial
3 bags Methandienone 10mg/tab, 50 tabs/bag
1 bag Aromasin 20mg/tab, 50 tabs/bag
1 bag Tamoxifen 20mg/tab, 50 tabs/bag
1 bag Clomid 50mg/tab, 50 tabs/bag

If you're going to ask, "what are your stats, what's your background, etc; here is a link for my first cycle log:

I'm just curios, I'll be adding in HCG, but what do you guys think of this for a second cycle?
Will my dick still work ok during the cycle?? I've read a lot about "deca dick," but as far as I can tell, that's all post cycle not-restarting type issues. Apparently, since my pre-cycle test levels are @ 200, I'm due for trt anyway. I did the bloodwork for my pcp before prepping for this cycle, & should hear back on that next week.
Thank you in advance for any comments. :)
What do you man Time Off. You began PCT for you last cycle in the middle of May. You have only been off for perhaps a month. Time On + PCT = Time Off.

Where is the Dopamine Agonist? Deca Dick is real (during the cycle) if you don't manage estrogen and Prolactin.

Why add two new compounds? This is only your second cycle.

Nobody can answer if that is a good cycle without knowing what you want to do and what doses you will be running, etc. Lay out the cycle -- not just the compounds and ancillaries you are considering.
id run it like this

test- 500mg/wk weeks 1-15
dbol- 50mg/day 1-4
deca- 300mg/wk 1-13

start your pct two weeks after last pin of test
i say stop the deca at week 13 because the decaonate ester will linger longer than the enanthate estered test

nolva 40/40/20/20
clomid 100/100/50/50

*have caber or prami on hand to fight prolactin sides*
If you're asking can test, deca, and dbol be a good cycle then the answer is yes. The point of sources putting together cycles like this is the same thing as buying a bottle of whiskey and getting a deal on a bottle of coke. It's because this is a cycle that people popularly run and is put together for that reason. It makes people think "well this is a good deal I'll just buy my whole cycle right now" or "if i buy this bundle i can add deca for not that much more money" both of which are better for the seller, and they usually do work out a little cheaper for the buyer, so it ends up being better for both parties. That doesn't mean because they are selling this as a "full cycle" that you shouldn't run hcg or a dopamine agonist, it's just that many people don't want these things so they aren't included in the bundle. Like Mega said, you need to figure out what your needs are. Figure out your cycle, and if that bundle works out for you, great, if not do something else. Buying a bundled cycle just because it's there even though it doesn't suit your needs is like buying the bottle of whiskey to get the free coke when you actually went in for beer.