Thoughts on cycle


New member

Looking for some help. This is my first "stacked" cycle. I've previously taken anadrol and anavar by themselves. I'm currently 29 years old 5'10 200 lbs. A gym friend of mine suggested I take winstrol and testosterone enthanate. He suggested I take one 50 mg pill of 5 days/week and inject 50 Mg's week of the test(1cc twice/week) for the same 5 weeks. I'm looking to cut up and put on a lot of muscle mass. What are your thoughts? Thanks guys.
First, I assume you mean 500mg of test per week, not 50. 500 per week, pinned twice a week is good. Test for 5 weeks is BAD. It takes 5 weeks just for your serum levels to peak, so you'll get very little benefit from this, but you will get completely shut down and need full PCT, so it's kind of the worst of both worlds. Run the test out for 12 weeks at least. When it comes to getting cut up and putting on lots of muscle, you should pick one of those. Diet will determine if it's a cut or a bulk cycle, so eat accordingly. You could try to bulk at first then try to cut a bit at the end, maybe the last 4 weeks. I would not run Winstrol (winny) on your first real test cycle, but if it were me, I might add a dbol kickstarter for the first 4 weeks. If you're really sold on Winstrol (winny), maybe add it for the last 4 weeks as part of your cut, after you know how you're doing on the test, but I wouldn't, not this time. You will need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like adex, nolva and clomid for PCT, and I would recommend Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during your cycle. And don't forget liver support like LA and NAC if you do run an oral.

And welcome to the Board!