Thoughts on my MSTEN Rx Cycle? (Starting April 26th)


New member
Have some time left to fix any kinks, pretty much have everything just waiting on the HCG and the Nolva to get here. Going to be a 6 weeker.

Stats are 5'10, 185, 27 years old. Goals: Strength/Mass

Weeks 1-6: IML M-STEN Rx @ 20/20/20/30/30/30 (will stay on 20 if negatively affected when I increase to 30mg)
Weeks 1-6: N2Guard @ 7 caps daily
Weeks 2-6: HCGenerate @ 5 caps daily

(also GAT JetMass Post workout as well as sufficient protein, clean eating and, of course, at least 1.5 gallons of water a day)

Weeks 7-8: N2Guard @ 7 caps daily
Weeks 7-10: Nolvadex @ 20mg/daily
Weeks 7-10: HCGenerate @ 5 caps daily
Weeks 7-10: Unleashed @ 6 a day - Week 7, 3 a day - Weeks 8-10

Weeks 8-11: E-Control Rx @ 3 caps daily (before bed)

Have put a lot of time, input, and research into this cycle. Would appreciate any serious feedback as well as reasons that I should change things, if any. Thanks in advance guys.

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I haven't used M-Sten, but that seems like a pretty hefty dose to me, given that Beastdrol V2 only has 4 mg per caps...
Yes MSTEN Rx has 10mg per cap, 2 servings per day (recommended). I have been following logs and people are experiencing the best results @ 20-30, some have even gone up to 40. I don't plan on going to 40, and I may even stay at 20mg the whole cycle depending how my body responds.
Problem with lots of those recommendations is that they aren't very scientific.
For example - just because someone achieves his goals on 40 mg of compound, he usually has no clue what he would have achieved on 20 mg...
From that point forward he will recommend 40, without having the slightest clue what 20 or 30 would have done for him.
That seems to be a common thing, just something to think about.
Other than that, looks like you did your homework. Might wanna keep an AI on hand, just in case.
E-Control is an AI which I will be using weeks 8-11. MSTEN doesn't aromatise so an AI is not needed while I am ON. And yes I agree with the logs with the high dosing. I'm going to run 20 and listen to my body. It's a 6 week cycle though so I will probably want to go up, If I could break the pills and go up from 15-20, 20-25 I would lol.