Hey looking for thoughts on this cycle I plan on running in just a few weeks;
Test E 1-12 @ 600mg a week (Mon,Wednes)
NPP 1-10 @ 125mg EOD
Adex 1-14 @ 1mg EOD (too much?)
PCT: Clomid 14-18 @ 100/100/50/50
Nolva 14-18 @ 40/40/20/20
Was thinking about running HCG PCT so 14-18, any thoughts on that aswell as suggested dosage?
Also does anyone know a better way to make myself not a human pin cushion? Safe to inject one compound then directly after inject another?
Anyone have any experience with this cycle? Or possibly any tweaks or suggestions to add?
I'm 5'10
23 y/o
Looking to bulk up, should I up these doses at all or is this fine
Test E 1-12 @ 600mg a week (Mon,Wednes)
NPP 1-10 @ 125mg EOD
Adex 1-14 @ 1mg EOD (too much?)
PCT: Clomid 14-18 @ 100/100/50/50
Nolva 14-18 @ 40/40/20/20
Was thinking about running HCG PCT so 14-18, any thoughts on that aswell as suggested dosage?
Also does anyone know a better way to make myself not a human pin cushion? Safe to inject one compound then directly after inject another?
Anyone have any experience with this cycle? Or possibly any tweaks or suggestions to add?
I'm 5'10
23 y/o
Looking to bulk up, should I up these doses at all or is this fine