Thoughts on this bulk cycle


New member
Hey looking for thoughts on this cycle I plan on running in just a few weeks;
Test E 1-12 @ 600mg a week (Mon,Wednes)
NPP 1-10 @ 125mg EOD
Adex 1-14 @ 1mg EOD (too much?)

PCT: Clomid 14-18 @ 100/100/50/50
Nolva 14-18 @ 40/40/20/20

Was thinking about running HCG PCT so 14-18, any thoughts on that aswell as suggested dosage?
Also does anyone know a better way to make myself not a human pin cushion? Safe to inject one compound then directly after inject another?
Anyone have any experience with this cycle? Or possibly any tweaks or suggestions to add?
I'm 5'10
23 y/o
Looking to bulk up, should I up these doses at all or is this fine
I realize that I am young I took this road for personal reasons. I will take a look at the link provided though.
But I'm just asking for PCT advice or tweaks to my cycle, its greatly appreciated, much love
I realize that I am young I took this road for personal reasons. I will take a look at the link provided though.
But I'm just asking for PCT advice or tweaks to my cycle, its greatly appreciated, much love

Sorry buddy, noone here is gonna help you. You'll understand why when you've read that link Mega provided. It's just a plain bad idea bro...
Id run common length ester oil together. U can mix test e and deca together in the same syringe.
Pin every 3rd day. run the test 2 weeks longer than the deca before u do pct( no less than 14 weeks).
Decanate ester takes almost month before its built up in your system. You can run deca higher thN test but you're gonna want some prami or cabergoline on hand if you do. Otherwise run the test 30% higher at least to stave off deca dick

If youre gonna do this regardless of afore mentioned advice, get blood work done before during Nd after pct so you can gauge your ai use and recovery
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