Thymosin Beta 4 (TB 500) log


New member
So I decided to order some TB 500 to help with my knee as I'm recovering from acl surgery. I'm almost 4 months post operation and still have a little pain in the back of the knee. Also have a little scar tissue left because I haven't quite gotten full range of motion yet. Will hopefully be getting my hgh in about a month so by the time I do get it I should be pain free and be able to hit my legs hard and get the strength up. My legs are so far behind my upper body it isn't even funny, so I'm really hoping this hgh and tb500 can get me ready for my season in 7 months.

Never done one of these before but decided to since this is a newer peptide and there isn't a ton of logs on it. I got 16 2 mg vials ordered and I'm expecting them here by either Wednesday or Thursday which will be my first injection. From what I've gathered I've decided to dose like this:

weeks 1-6 (loading phase)- I will shoot 2 mgs twice a week (2 mg Monday and 2 mg Thursday)
After the loading phase I'll shoot 2 mgs once every 2-3 weeks. I'd like to have my hgh by week 2 or 3 but more likely won't have it until week 4 unfortunately. I'm really hoping there is a nice synergy between the two.

My expectations are to have full range of motion, no more inflammation/scar tissue, and no more pain by week 4 when I get the hgh and then go hard on my legs. I'll keep it updated and feel free to follow.
HGH or TB4 will definitely help you get back on your feet quicker as the supporting muscles and soft tissue should recover better and quicker with their use. Flexibility will be your biggest obstacle, I know, Ive had 2 knee reco's. Make sure you persist with good physio. If it was an ACL reconstruction, 12 months is around about when your new ligament creates its own nerves and blood is properly flowing through it i.e. it turns from a piece of flesh or tendon to a proper functioning ligament that contracts / expands etc with movement. HGH I would guess will aid this transformation. Good luck with it.
Well got the stuff on Thursday and did my first shot subq in the stomach. I've seen it takes a couple weeks to feel the stuff working so nothing to report as of yet.

I also get a pain when I do decline bench in my left shoulder. After the first set I had no pain but then it was back the next two so nothing really to report on healing/pain should be a few weeks until it kicks in I think.

I doubt the stuff does much for bodybuilding but I had a better than usual pump and my muscles felt great.
Second shot was done today and it felt great. Haven't noticed much on the left knee but when I did decline bench I upped the weight and the pain was way down so that's a good start, can only expect things to get better.

Also I'm pretty sure it's not placebo but I get an insane pump on this stuff. I'm usually the biggest guy in my uni gym but today it wasn't even close, my buddy said my arms looked about 18".
I am very interested in this. I just ordered tb500 for a work related shoulder injury and am going to be dosing exactly as you are. Hope you end up well. You're already getting insane pumps on it? That's what attracted me to it do much...not only does it aid in healing, but it increases strength, endurance, blood vessel development(more vascular-Iwould imagine-would be a nice dude effect of this action), among other benefits.
Not sure if you've read up on this but is the effects on healing only permanent? I mean with the maintenance dose and all that other stuff do I have to be on this stuff the rest of the year? or will the progress I make in the three months or so be enough that I can stop taking it?