Thyroid Testing while ON CYCLE


Half Man, Half Amazing
So I'm about 2 weeks into a test prop/tren ace cycle. I'm frontloading these with the Enanthate ester of each.
Week1: Prop 100mg eod / Tren ace 75mg ed
Week2: Same as above + Tren E 200mg/bi-weekly and Test E 250mg bi-weekly.

I went for a checkup yesterday and my practitioner (who happens to be related) insisted on my getting a thyroid panel. It came back very elevated and she pretty much assumes I either have Grave's Disease or and auto-immune problem. Now monday she has be scheduled for an ultrasound.

I know AAS can suppress the endocrine system, but I'm pretty sure this was a pre-existing issue. I will also be getting some synthyroid. It also goes without saying that I don't want her, being a relative, to know that I'm ON or use AAS.

Not really sure what to do as far as my cycle at this point.
Tren suppresses T3 output, so I'm not surprised. You can take it while on (synthroid) and reevaluate after your cycle. If there aren't any issues after the cycle (you'd go into hyperthyroidism territory), you could always bank the synthroid for later use or just get of it if you come back hyper.

My .02c :)
Tren suppresses T3 output, so I'm not surprised. You can take it while on (synthroid) and reevaluate after your cycle. If there aren't any issues after the cycle (you'd go into hyperthyroidism territory), you could always bank the synthroid for later use or just get of it if you come back hyper.

My .02c :)

Well I'm getting a ultrasound and I hope they don't suggest cutting that fucker out...
Anti-TPO: >600

Oh. You may very well be in auto-immune territory. I'm not a doctor, but that's a pretty elevated TPO antibody result. I've seen tren jack up TSH, but never TPO counts. Your doctor friend can hopefully find a quick diagnosis and treatment that's non-invasive.