Tips on how what to cruise with into my body recomp?

It depends on what you mean by best. If you mean the most mass possible then lgd is probably the way to go, if you mean the best quality of muscle added while still throwing on a good amount of beef then yes S4 is awesome. It's like comparing dbol to tbol, dbol adding alot of mass but not super hard and tbol not adding as much but it solid nice shapely muscle. Don't get it twisted lgd makes hard muscle all on its on harder then dbol. In my opinion S4 is a good comparison to tbol it'spretty damn close. So a lgd, S4 stack would pprobably be incredible.

They all sound good. Just ordered S4, the price is amazing for the length of time. It'll last me 6 weeks. 2 weeks before my cruise- 4 weeks through my cruise- 2 weeks into my cycle for a kick start. 50mg a day. Hopefully it gets me looking more vascular and full in time for a photo shoot I have
They all sound good. Just ordered S4, the price is amazing for the length of time. It'll last me 6 weeks. 2 weeks before my cruise- 4 weeks through my cruise- 2 weeks into my cycle for a kick start. 50mg a day. Hopefully it gets me looking more vascular and full in time for a photo shoot I have

It will man. It's good shit bro. IMO about like tbol without sides. Stack the shit out of it. I like it with everything.