Tips on how what to cruise with into my body recomp?

Is it against the rules to post brands you guys have experienced to have good primo?

(Not askin for a source) just the brand names, u used, quality when it comes to primo...and peoples experience with the primo???

If your worried about fake primo,, and you got plenty of cash to spare, you can get prescription primo from an anti aging or rejuvenation clinic.. some clinics will require you to be at least 35 years old though.. I'm 37, so my primo is script , but I've also got some UGL primo that I'm gonna run as well mid cycle and see if I notice a difference.
Now I can't really talk about cruising or bridges being too high of dosing... cause mine is high as hell ha.

But like said: it depends on the goal. Health or continue to progress (aggressively we'll say). I personally only blast for about 1-2months, I run higher doses relative for me and it does wonders than I drop back down to my cruise for two months. Maybe run another more mild blast with an added oral or masteron.

I would never touch var or primo from an underground. Or at least spend my own money.
I've ran var from a few sources all in the same cycle and felt nothing at 50mgs, I am on 50mgs on var now from a script and its VERY noticeable. Ugl, very often use other cheaper compounds in replace of the expensive ones, and even experience users can have a hard time distinguishing differences.

Not very good imo, has its place in a blast when trying to get overall mg's of anabolics higher/appetite. But as a bridge or cruise it'll just be harder on your system than its worth... (HCT)more blood donations etc.

I do like running masteron to stay hard with test.
(trt dose of test c + mild dose of mast e) has been a wonderful bridge and cycle for me. Feel great, don't pin often nor a lot of cc's and very plausible to build lean mass with a good diet. Mast can certainly be ran higher but, this is a bridge ha so I assume some health is of concern.
Now I can't really talk about cruising or bridges being too high of dosing... cause mine is high as hell ha.

But like said: it depends on the goal. Health or continue to progress (aggressively we'll say). I personally only blast for about 1-2months, I run higher doses relative for me and it does wonders than I drop back down to my cruise for two months. Maybe run another more mild blast with an added oral or masteron.

I would never touch var or primo from an underground. Or at least spend my own money.
I've ran var from a few sources all in the same cycle and felt nothing at 50mgs, I am on 50mgs on var now from a script and its VERY noticeable. Ugl, very often use other cheaper compounds in replace of the expensive ones, and even experience users can have a hard time distinguishing differences.

Not very good imo, has its place in a blast when trying to get overall mg's of anabolics higher/appetite. But as a bridge or cruise it'll just be harder on your system than its worth... (HCT)more blood donations etc.

I do like running masteron to stay hard with test.
(trt dose of test c + mild dose of mast e) has been a wonderful bridge and cycle for me. Feel great, don't pin often nor a lot of cc's and very plausible to build lean mass with a good diet. Mast can certainly be ran higher but, this is a bridge ha so I assume some health is of concern.

I will be using EQ for 14-16 weeks on my blast.
I'm just concerned with this bridge because I'll be running clen for the 4 weeks to maintain some kind of leanness along with 3Js help. The thing is, I don't want it burning much muscle, and me, I tolerate a considerable amount of clen.
I'm about to run Test E or P at 300-500mg a week and call it a day.
Depends on how long your cruise was gonna be for.. If it's a short cruise then short esters would work. But personally I see a cruise as a little bit of "time off" , including time off from pinning all the time, so personally I'd run long esters , test cyp and primo e.. It's nice to have a break from pinning ..

If your gonna be back on a blast soon, and your just basically gonna "bridge" into your next blast,, then run short esters to get the most out of the compounds in the short time.

I'll use test c and primo e,, then starting a new blast would use test Prop to front load and get those test levels up fast.. But wouldn't personally run test prop on a long cruise.

As for the Primo - it shines at 600 mg a week with little sides.. Make sure your source is really good cause primo is often faked

You're right about the pinning. A break would be nice. With primo id have to do multiple injects as opposed to maybe Test E twice a week. Right delt one day left delt the other, letting my butt cheeks and legs recover. I'd like that
I will be using EQ for 14-16 weeks on my blast.
I'm just concerned with this bridge because I'll be running clen for the 4 weeks to maintain some kind of leanness along with 3Js help. The thing is, I don't want it burning much muscle, and me, I tolerate a considerable amount of clen.
I'm about to run Test E or P at 300-500mg a week and call it a day.

Wouldn't be concerned on losing weight, you've ran clen before so you know how youll react. If you start losing lbm's I'd turn more to the diet side to fix and adjust clen dosing. Anabolics shouldn't need adjustment
Well I think we all know how I feel about SARMS. I just started adding them to all my cruises. My last cruise was a cut on 200mg test cyp, 25mg osta, and 75mg s4. Didn't lose an ounce of muscle and dropped a good 3-4% bf in 8 weeks. Diet was "pretty good" but not amazing. When you're cutting you only need enough anabolics to preserve muscle, no need to spend a fortune on primo or var IMO.
Well I think we all know how I feel about SARMS. I just started adding them to all my cruises. My last cruise was a cut on 200mg test cyp, 25mg osta, and 75mg s4. Didn't lose an ounce of muscle and dropped a good 3-4% bf in 8 weeks. Diet was "pretty good" but not amazing. When you're cutting you only need enough anabolics to preserve muscle, no need to spend a fortune on primo or var IMO.

Never did osta or s4. I assume it best to try one at a time right?
Never did osta or s4. I assume it best to try one at a time right?

Ideally with any new compound it's best to start with 1 at a time and assess your tolerance, side effects, etc. When dealing with osta and s4, you don't have to be so strict about it. Neither of them really have any side effects to speak of other then temporary tinted vision with s4 at high doses. I'd say you can safely combine the two on your first run.
Ideally with any new compound it's best to start with 1 at a time and assess your tolerance, side effects, etc. When dealing with osta and s4, you don't have to be so strict about it. Neither of them really have any side effects to speak of other then temporary tinted vision with s4 at high doses. I'd say you can safely combine the two on your first run.

Ok so if combining the 2 how does that combined with test at 200mg compare to just using test alone? In other words, the OP wants to keep BF at a minimum and not lose muscle. If diet is good and training is good 200 mg of test alone can give some good advantage but if adding both SARMS into the mix how does it compare to just test alone?
Ok so if combining the 2 how does that combined with test at 200mg compare to just using test alone? In other words, the OP wants to keep BF at a minimum and not lose muscle. If diet is good and training is good 200 mg of test alone can give some good advantage but if adding both SARMS into the mix how does it compare to just test alone?

It's like night and day honestly. You get that extra anabolism and nitrogen retention, but without the side effects of adding an androgen. It will further improve nutrient partitioning thus aiding in fat loss and muscle preservation. The s4 will have hardening and physique enhancing effects comparable to var that test alone will not do. Also sarms will help keep your strength and stamina up, as well as keep your muscles looking full on a calorie deficit. It prevents you from losing strength and looking flat on a cut.
It's like night and day honestly. You get that extra anabolism and nitrogen retention, but without the side effects of adding an androgen. It will further improve nutrient partitioning thus aiding in fat loss and muscle preservation. The s4 will have hardening and physique enhancing effects comparable to var that test alone will not do. Also sarms will help keep your strength and stamina up, as well as keep your muscles looking full on a calorie deficit. It prevents you from losing strength and looking flat on a cut.

I'm looking at RUI Liquod S4... Pricey but purity is 99.2% as they show... Is this stuff oral or subQ? I'm guessing subQ since it's under the GH classification... But the picture shows the bottles they usually use for their oral stuff
I'm looking at RUI Liquod S4... Pricey but purity is 99.2% as they show... Is this stuff oral or subQ? I'm guessing subQ since it's under the GH classification... But the picture shows the bottles they usually use for their oral stuff

Maybe sarmssearch is better?
I'm looking at RUI Liquod S4... Pricey but purity is 99.2% as they show... Is this stuff oral or subQ? I'm guessing subQ since it's under the GH classification... But the picture shows the bottles they usually use for their oral stuff

Sarms are oral and are not liver toxic
I'm looking at RUI Liquod S4... Pricey but purity is 99.2% as they show... Is this stuff oral or subQ? I'm guessing subQ since it's under the GH classification... But the picture shows the bottles they usually use for their oral stuff

S4 is oral. I've never tried RUI's s4 but all of the products I have tried from RUI have been great. If there's one thing I learned with SARMS and research chems, it to stay away from the cheap stuff. I look at high prices as a good thing when I shop.
S4 is oral. I've never tried RUI's s4 but all of the products I have tried from RUI have been great. If there's one thing I learned with SARMS and research chems, it to stay away from the cheap stuff. I look at high prices as a good thing when I shop.

I've heard nothing but great things about S4 after doing more research. How do you think it'll be on a bulker? It's sounding like it has all the great qualities I want like keeping me hard, vascularity etc etc
I've heard nothing but great things about S4 after doing more research. How do you think it'll be on a bulker? It's sounding like it has all the great qualities I want like keeping me hard, vascularity etc etc

From what I've read LGD-4033 is the best sarm for bulking . . . But of course you can always stack sarms and run S-4 too
I've heard nothing but great things about S4 after doing more research. How do you think it'll be on a bulker? It's sounding like it has all the great qualities I want like keeping me hard, vascularity etc etc

There is not much mass to be had with s4. But stacking it with a good anabolic sarm like osta or LGD would make for a good bulk. The S4 would keep your gains clean and dry while the osta and/or LGD pack on the lbs.
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From what I've read LGD-4033 is the best sarm for bulking . . . But of course you can always stack sarms and run S-4 too

It depends on what you mean by best. If you mean the most mass possible then lgd is probably the way to go, if you mean the best quality of muscle added while still throwing on a good amount of beef then yes S4 is awesome. It's like comparing dbol to tbol, dbol adding alot of mass but not super hard and tbol not adding as much but it solid nice shapely muscle. Don't get it twisted lgd makes hard muscle all on its on harder then dbol. In my opinion S4 is a good comparison to tbol it'spretty damn close. So a lgd, S4 stack would pprobably be incredible.
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