To Squat Or Not To Squat

LiftTillIDie said:
I've never seen or heard of anyone doing this. Actually I did see one guy but he treated them more as a deadlift variation.
i dont do them anymore because all i did was remove flesh from the back of my calves/achilles tendon area...was bad enough to scrape my shins up deading and then that..bah i'll stick to straight sqts and walking lunges.
Queenstarfish said:
The squat works approx 200 muscles. Your body is composed of about 600 muscles. That means that squats have the potential to work 1/3 of your muscles. The fuck I'd pass that one up :)

Hey Pinneaple, when I first started I passed up the squat because I didn't like the fact that I could fall, injure myself, etc. So, what I did was start squatting the bar, just to get the form sunk in my brain. Eventually, I was able to work my way up. I definitely was seeing results in my quads, ass, calfs, etc. Now, about a year and a half later, I have worked my way up to 270 lbs and I freaking love the squat. Yeah, you can get away w/o squatting, but why not try it out for a bit and see what everyone is raving about?

thats what im talking about Queenstarfish. I like this chick already. 270? damn you must have one muscular pa donka donk
i fractured my back squating or fucking in the shower...i'm going to go with squating...but i was using a ton of weight and probably pushed myself further than i should have... so i plan on staying away from them for a while
skarhead1 said:
thats what im talking about Queenstarfish. I like this chick already. 270? damn you must have one muscular pa donka donk
