Too much cardio?


New member
I'm currently starting a cutting cycle for this summer. Test-e, Tren-e and Winny-v have me feeling like a marathon man but I'm actually a big man at 308lbs. I plan on getting under 10% percent body fat within the next 3 months. How much cardio should I/ can I do to loose 1% body fat per week (Assuming my diet and sleep is on point) ? The gear I'm running is giving me endless endurance but I know too much vigorous exsercise will have negative affects on my body.
Loosing body fat is all about diet, just use the cardio to create a bigger deficit and to speed things up.

As for how much you should do, I recommend doing it in stages. For example:
Stage 1: Do diet alone until you stall, when you stall cut calories from a 500 deficit to a 700
Stage 2: When you stall again, do HIIT cardio at 30 minutes twice a week
Stage 3 : When stalled again, cut another 100 calories and add another HIIT session in
And so on...
well when i need to burn some fat, i' m doing 30 min cardio 3 times per week after the weight training and 1h cardio twice per week... however dieting is in the first place...
well when i need to burn some fat, i' m doing 30 min cardio 3 times per week after the weight training and 1h cardio twice per week... however dieting is in the first place...