Too much sex and fapping on cycle a problem?

I thought Test got me horny.....Tren made me an absolute sexual predator. I bang my wife at least twice a day and still crank it at least once a day.
Why not just say I am jerking the fuk off?

same reason people shorten or slang just about every other descriptive word... IDK, WTF, OMG, "jerk it" was once mas-tur-ba-tion... fap or fapping is just short and slang that caught on.
Shit I am getting old. New word of the day for me is Fapping. Cant wait to use it at work or even ask the wife to come and fap me off.
Baahahahah I'm a fucking creepy perve on this test e shit I seriously would fuck the toes of a pregnant fat bitch if the time is right
I do not masturbate on cycle...or have sex....instead....I let the load build up for 3 months....take as much clomid as possible...then while my wife is asleep I will stand over her and yank it waking her up in a cum explosion nightmare
The only time I have ever heard anything about this is from one of my college wrestling coaches. This old bastard was like Mic from rocky had to be in his 80s and used to scream at us about the dangers of girls removing your killer instinct and making you soft. lol
Dude, I cant stand how rawled up I get on cycle. The first couple weeks is cool, but when it gets to the point where your still horny right after jerkin it, it gets old. That and when I cant get it when I want it it stresses me the fuck out haha.
Dude, I cant stand how rawled up I get on cycle. The first couple weeks is cool, but when it gets to the point where your still horny right after jerkin it, it gets old. That and when I cant get it when I want it it stresses me the fuck out haha.

This is the actual cause of what people call "roid rage" lol - can't get it gonna hurt someone... with my cock
Not gonna lie, I've raged on my girl a few times for falling asleep on me when telling me I'm gonna get some later on lol. But I always make sure I apologize. After she wakes up and gives me some that is.
You won't have to worry about lowering your testosterone now, but you will have to worry about your CNS(adrenals). I personally abstain from it except for very 7th day. It might effect performance in the gym as well as excrete amino acids and vitamins that could've been used for muscle repair rather than this...

I never noticed this. is i DONT have sex recently it effects my workout.
Sex then a workout few hrs later is THE BEST!